On 20/09/2007, "Hal Finney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The lifetime formulation also captures the intuition many people have
> that consciousness should not "jump around" as observer moments are
> created in the various simulations and scenarios we imagine in our
> thought experiments. That was the conclusion I reached in the posting
> referenced above, that teleportation might in some sense "not work"
> even though someone walks out of the machine thousands of miles away
> who remembers walking into it. The measure of such a lifetime would be
> substantially less than that of a similar person who never teleports.

I have great conceptual difficulty with this idea. It seems to allow
that I could have died five minutes ago even though I still feel that
I am alive now. (This is OK with me because I think the best way to
look at ordinary life is as a series of transiently existing OM's
which create an illusion of a self persisting through time, but I
don't think this is what you were referring to.)

Stathis Papaioannou

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