On 21 Apr 2009, at 18:59, Brent Meeker wrote:
> The question was whether information was enough, or whether something
> else is needed for consciousness.  I think that sequence is needed,
> which we experience as the passage of time.  When you speak of
> computations "going from A to B" do you suppose that this provides the
> sequence?

Not really. Subjective time, be it first person or first person plural  
(and thus "physical")  relies on all computations made by the UD, and  
the taking into account it is "self-referential".

> In other words are the states of consciousness necessarily
> computed in the same order

Your first person next instant depends on an infinity of computations  
made by the UD. The time step of the UD is relevant, because it  
determines the whole UD structure, but it is not related in any direct  
way with "time". We can conjecture than the more our substitution is  
low, the more *time* looks like a computation being independent of us:  
so relation of order can be made through indiscernible computation  
equivalence class. I mean there are relation between states of  
consciousness and computational history, but our consciousness  
evolution is not related directly to one computational sequence.

> as they are experienced or is the order
> something intrinsic to the information in the states (i.e. like
> Stathis'es observer moments which can be shuffled into any order  
> without
> changing the experience they instantiate).

Consciousness is related to the sheaf of computations going through  
that states. A computational state is a state of a computing  
(mathematical) machine when doing a computation. The machine has to be  
"runned" or "executed" relatively to a universal machine. You need the  
Peano or Robinson axiom to define such states and sequences of states.  
You can shuffled them if you want, and somehow the UD does shuffle  
them by its dovetailing procedure, but this will not change the  
arithmetical facts that those states belong or not too such or such  
computational histories. And consciousness relies on those  
computational facts (and information play important role there, but  
not up to identify consciousness and information. (I think  
consciousness is more a filtering of information, somehow).

> A related question in my mind has to do with reversibility.
> Computations in general are not reversible: Turing machines erase
> symbols. You can't infer the factors from the product.  But QM  
> (without
> collapse) is unitary and reversible in principle (though not in  
> practice
> because of statistical and light-speed reasons).  So my question is,  
> are
> the computations of the UD reversible?

I have still a residual doubt that a quantum computer makes sense  
mathematically, but if that exists, then there exist a reversible  
universal dovetailing.

>> and thus you have to take into
>> account the infinitely many universal number relations transforming A
>> into B. Most of them are indiscernible by "you" because they differ
>> below "your" substitution level.
> Does the UD have to complete the infinitely many computations from A  
> to
> B, i.e. we must think of these computations as being complete in  
> Plationia?

Yes. Our first person expectations relies on the whole completion of  
the UD, due to the non awareness of the dovetailing delay. But it is  
easier to describe the working of the UD by a program executed in  
time, than by an infinite set of arithmetical relations already true  
in "Platonia".

If you accept comp, you accept that your "brain state" is accessed an  
infinity of times by the UD through an infinity of computations. The  
world you are observing is a sort of mean of all those computations,  
from your point of view. But the "running of the UD" is just a  
picturesque way to describe an infinite set of arithmetical relations.  
 From inside it is just a logical consequence that it looks analytical  
and physical. Obvioulsy a lot of work has to be done to see if all  
this will lead to a refutation of comp, or to a "theory of everything".


>> (*)
>> - Richard Epstein and Walter Carnielli, Computability, computable
>> Functions, Logic, and the Foundations of Mathematics, Wadsworth &
>> Brooks/Cole Mathematics series, Pacific Grove, California, 1989.
>> - Boolos, Burgess and Jeffrey, Computability and Logic, Cambridge
>> University Press, Fourth edition, 2002.
>> Bruno
>> http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~marchal/
> >


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