On 27 Apr 2009, at 07:24, Kelly wrote:

> On Apr 26, 11:40 am, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>> The question is; what are their relative probability measure? What  
>> can
>> I expect.
> Any expectations you have are unfounded.  The problem of induction
> applies.

There is no problem of induction. There is a problem of induction only  
for those who believe that science can prove a fact about reality.  
There are only worst, bad, good and better theories, but all theories  
are hypothetical belief. from the baby theory according to which he  
has parents, to the existence of moons, suns and bosons, theories are  
hypothetical, and their interpretations preserve the "hypotheticalness".
A scientist never say "I know".  (and this I think is the way Popper  
solved the "unduction problem". But it appears only to those who want  
their theory to be true ... by authority.

> Any probabilities arrived at empirically are suspect, they will
> continue to hold for some Brunos but not for all...

Sure. I will ask a bank to lend me huge amount of money, I promise  
them to reimburse when I will win ten times the big lottery in a row.

> But there's really not a better option that I can think of, so we
> might as well stick with our expectations and probabilities.
> Not that we have a choice, since free will is an illusion also...

Free will does not exist for those who live to work.
Free will does exist for those who work to live. If not, they are  
exploited? From universal they are forced to be particular. that's how  
souls falls and englue themselves, they loss their free will. Now work  
no war can make you free. You are, and can remain by resistance and  
In the normal worlds.

>> Without giving me a measure, it is like your theory predicts
>> everything.
> Right, it does basically predict everything.

Logicians call such theories inconsistent.

> Except an end to
> experience.  There is no sweet, sweet release of death if I'm right.
> There will be no final rest in the comforting embrace of oblivion.
> Only the endless grind of a weary existence.

That is true. But no theories can predict this. Er... well, no  
consistent theories can predict this. Inconsistent theories can prove  
we are immortal indeed.

>> This is contradicted by the fact.
> How so?  What fact?  You know for certain that you are the only
> Bruno?  You know for certain that there aren't parallel realities
> containing Brunos with different experiences?  How did you come by
> this fact?
> Is it a fact, or just a belief?

Come on Kelly, you know my favorite postulate assume all computational  
histories (Robinson arithmetic) so I have no doubt there is a  
continuum of Bruno, even densely distributed between any two points of  
the M sets), all englued in their history and soon or later quite  
different, as different as Kelly and Bruno in short time, as different  
as Bruno and the amoeba on longer time ...

The question is just this. I want coffee. How is it that I can realize  
the dream "drinking of cup of coffee". I am good willing. I have try  
your theory this morning. At first it works. It was a real and big  
pleasure to await for the white rabbit bringing my cup of coffee in my  
bed, where I could stay longer. But  after two hours i was a bit  
missing something, and I ask myself: why did I bet I would necessarily  
be the Bruno in the White rabbit world instead of I seems (at least)  
the usual normal (and a bit sadder) world where in most circumstances  
I have to use my free will, my free time, my free action, my (not so  
free) coffee and this up to the point I bring the warm product to my  

>> If I want coffee now, I
>> know all to well I have to do something for that. Sorry but I cannot
>> wait for a white rabbit bringing me my cup of coffee.
> God helps those who help themselves.

Ah! This is indeed in the "guardian angel" theory of the machine M, on  
the machine M.

But of course the machine M, if she wants to remain scientific, or  
just self-referentially correct, should say instead:

If God exists, then God helps those (universal machines) which help  

Plato's "truth" helps in the limit That why god is good, in Plato.

> However, some Brunos are more
> fortunate with respect to helpful rabbits than other Brunos.  Stay
> optimisitic.

I tell you. I will not try the white rabbit method of realizing the  
experience of drinking coffee no more, in the morning.

OK, I admit I do it everyday implictly in the evening, it is perfect  
how the white rabbit seems to understand I don't want a cup of coffee,  
he never bring me coffee at that time. Is that an evidence that I am  
in a world with white rabbits?

>>> I say that every possible event is perceived to happen, and so  
>>> nothing
>>> is more or less rare than anything else.
>> It has to be at least in the relative way, if not your theory  
>> predicts
>> all happenings, even in practice, but the facts contradict this.
> Again, what facts?  If everything was happening in alternate versions
> of reality, how would you detect this?  What facts do you possess that
> rule this out?

? I don't rule out the whole structure of possibilities, and I defend  
the idea that actuality is possibility from inside. I include type of  
relative or conditionnal possibilities. Indeed I explain that once you  
assume comp, you have to take into account the interference of  
histories due to your personal finite level of distinguishability  
among a continuum of histories.

Mathematics illustrates that immaterial beings, like numbers and  
digital machines, obeys laws. Of course you can contemplate the  
picture, not trying to use it. I like very much poetry and many arts.
Actually to use the comp physics to measure the mass of the Higgs  
(Brout Englert)  Boson would be like using String Theory to prepare a  
pizza, but comp gives a global coherent picture, and it gives a frame  
where the "laws of physics" can emerge from.
Nobody can be sure it is true, but once you say yes to the doctor,  
then if your survive,  you are under its play.



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