-- On Mon, 1/25/10, Stephen Paul King <stephe...@charter.net> wrote:
> Does not the mutual interfearence between the "copies" hace something to do 
> with a QM systems ability to compute exponensially more than a classical 
> system? If so, then reducing the number or density of copies would lead to an 
> attenuation in the computational power of the associated system. That is 
> clearly not a good thing!

Hi Stephen.

In answer to your question, the first thing I must point out is that there is 
no evidence that the human brain can perform any quantum computing, and good 
reasons to think it can't - it's hard to isolate qbits from the environment.

Also, even for a quantum computer, by 'copy' I don't think we just mean other 
parts of the wavefunction; we mean systems that perform the same computation.  
So in any case, if it's really 'copies' that we are reducing, and not limiting 
it in some other way, by definition there would be no change in the type or 
output of computation.  However, the number of implementations would be reduced.

An interesting question is whether conscious quantum computers would tend to 
observe the Born Rule as we do.  I think they would, but it's not something 
that can be tested experimentally by us, because the only thing we would test 
is that our own Born Rule predicts what replies from them we tend to recieve.  
In most of our worlds they would agree that they see the Born Rule, but we'd 
have no way to test if that's true in most of their own worlds.

> PS: I still would like to understand how the notion of measure or density is 
> considered.

Perhaps you could ask a more specific question. Measure I thought I explained 
in the paper.  By 'density' I'm not sure what you mean here.


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