Hi Bruno,

Thank you for the detailed response. I was aware of most arguments up until
the self-referential machine part and, of course, agree with them. That part
I'm still digesting, although I believe I understand most of your argument

I'm having a hard time understanding this particular statement:

"The lobian error is that prohibition at the start deprive its target of its
responsibility. Eventually it dissolves irresponsibility in a  unsustainable
economical pyramidal power which can only crash. Better to stop that asap!"

You might be interested in this 1-year old article from Time, discussing how
drug use decriminalization in my home country (Portugal) resulted in a
decrease in said drug use:


Best Regards,

> 78 % of the heroin consumers have begin with cannabis.
> This is a confusion between A => B and B => A, or A included in B with B
> included in A.
> To see if the consumption of substance A leads to the consumption of
> substance B, you have to look at the proportion of the consumers of B among
> A; not at the proportion of the consumers of A among B. You could as well
> say water is a gateway drug, given that 100% of the heroin consumers have
> begun with water.
> I have a paper in a magazine with a big title: 'the first death by salvia
> divinorum". It relates the case of a guy who get an heart attack when
> smoking salvia. I let you see it is the same error as above (together with
> the non genuine idea of using a sample with only one element).
> The same error are done, even by "expert" in the relation made between
> cannabis and lung cancer, or cannabis and (Mexican) violence.
> Another example, one day a car accident nearby involved three drivers
> having smoked cannabis, and already some minister said we have to be more
> though on drugs. Again to derive this you have to look at the quantity of
> car accident among those who smoked cannabis, not at the quantity of smokers
> of cannabis among those who have a car accident. It is always a confusion
> between A included in B and B included in A.
> That same error occurs pretty everywhere, and I think purely associative
> neural nets does that error. It is easy to do that error, as implication is
> a not so intuitive concept.
> Note that *in the circumstance of prohibition*, cannabis is indeed a
> gateway drug. A non negligible number of cannabis smoker get addicted to
> tobacco by their first joints. That number decreases thanks to the legality
> of ... tobacco. That legality makes transparent 'soon or later' the 'truth'
> about the product. We know today (smoked) tobacco is killer one in the
> world.
> To add tobacco to cannabis consists to put a toxic and addictive product to
> enjoy a product which by itself has never been found to led to any
> problem. Also, the prohibition of cannabis makes it available only in
> underground market where sellers don't ask your ID, and could add addictive
> product to cannabis for making you coming back, or just may advertise you on
> other drugs. So prohibition of cannabis, or anything, leads to gateway
> effect.
> The evidence are on the side that cannabis and salvia are among the safest
> and most efficacious known medication. In the Netherlands and in France,
> some study seems to show that driving under cannabis reduced the frequency
> of car accident. It has been known 20 years ago in the USA that it can cure
> some cancers, and this has been only recently confirmed on both mouse and
> humans that it does so. I can give hundreds of reference/links on this.
> Today many lies and many correct reasoning and genuine information can be
> found by just surfing on YouTube.
> See this video (among many), on the legalization of cannabis illustrating
> the error, and its correction:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKlXULsBdS0&feature=related
> Now, at a deeper level, the whole prohibition may be seen as a logical
> error, from a self-referential logical perspective. But I have to be
> cautious, for not falling myself in the trap I will try to describe.
> Recall that G describe the communicable or provable part of the correct
> self-referential machine, and G* \minus G, describes the true but non
> communicable/provable part. Some times (notably in "Conscience et
> Mécanisme") I call the elements of G* minus G, the Protagorean virtues.
> Plato said that Protagoras asked once if such virtue can be taught. Those
> 'Protagorean virtues", that is those elements belonging to G* minus G, obeys
> to the following logical equation: Bx -> ~x. If you try to make them
> necessary by finite combinatorial structure, being proof, laws, literal
> texts, teaching, etc. you get the opposite or the negation of what you tried
> to communicate. Alan Watts, in his book "the wisdom of insecurity" argues
> that security has such property: to constrain or solidify security leads to
> insecurity. Happiness is like that, and almost all qualitative positive
> moral things are like that in my opinion. Many institution falls in the trap
> to make necessary such values, and destroys their cause in the process.
> Love, which is always the love of the good, or good-love, is the most
> typical one: you cannot force anyone one to love anyone or anything.
> Now, if you accept that more generally appreciation, which is always
> "good-appreciation", for food or products is such a Protagorean virtue, then
> "Not appreciating a product" will belong to G* minus G, and cannot be
> enforced without leading to the contrary of its cause. In the present case
> prohibition of a drug makes it proliferate wildly, uncontrollably, and the
> same for the number of consumers of that drug. Actually prohibition, like in
> the 1930 alcohol prohibition, even creates new and dangerous or hazardous
> drug, like crack cocaine, K2, etc.
> So we have many confirmation of this. France and USA have the more severe
> laws against cannabis, and they are the countries with the highest relative
> proportion of cannabis smokers. The Netherlands have quasi-legalized and
> regulate cannabis, and they have the least use of cannabis in its population
> (not including the 'tourists').
> Concerning prohibition, I think it is just a gangster tool for creating
> vast fluxes of black money capable of corrupting all the upper sphere of the
> democracies. Some cartel have black economies bigger that the national
> economy of many countries. Prohibition is just *black* money addiction. The
> situation get worse by the ineluctable interplay of big black economy and
> honest economies leading to grey money making harder to stop prohibition and
> corruption. Like I said in a comment on YouTube: prohibition sucks from Al
> Capone to Al Qaeda.
> The lobian error is that prohibition at the start deprive its target of its
> responsibility. Eventually it dissolves irresponsibility in a  unsustainable
> economical pyramidal power which can only crash. Better to stop that asap!
> It is here that I am flying near the Löbian trap myself. Please note that I
> am not saying :
> - correct+Lobianity is incompatible with prohibition and we are correct and
> lobian, so we have to stop prohibition.
> That would be notably saying "we are correct and lobian", which no correct
> lobian machine can say!
> What I am saying is that correct+Lobianity is incompatible with prohibition
> and we have to stop prohibition (because of its observable failure and its
> invalid justification!) so we are perhaps or could tend to be correct and
> lobian.
> The good news is that those who actually do that "war on drugs"  growingly
> get the points; like in this videos and many others:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEdzZaXwf8o
> Actually the following videos illustrate many of this lobian catastophe in
> the war on drugs.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6t1EM4Onao
> Those are clever or intelligent cops and judge in the sense that not only
> they realize their error, but they recognize it publicly.
> A last more funny video, figuring more innocent cops, just to remind you
> that cannabis and salvia, although very safe, are entheogen. The main use
> consists in "dying": that's the point,  and it might be a little scary if
> you are not prepared:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnZb5wi_jsU&feature=related
> :)
> Best regards,
> Bruno
> http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~marchal/ <http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/%7Emarchal/>
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For example, when most lies on cannabis are defeated, prohibitionists claim
it is a gateway drug. It would lead to the consumption of stronger drugs. If
asked to justify, they say propositions like that:

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