An interesting video related to the discussion:

Interesting point: Lottery winners and those who become paraplegic have the
same level of happiness after a year.


On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 10:57 PM, Rex Allen <> wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 6:08 PM, benjayk
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Rex Allen wrote:
> >>
> >> If evolution by natural selection were correct, then it seems to me
> >> that if the overall environment remained relatively stable for an
> >> extended period of time - then regardless of how it ended up,
> >> humans would be at about same level of happiness.
> >
> > I don't think it is generally true, though I think it is approximatly
> true
> > if we assume humans are restricted to biological intelligence (which
> > probably won't be the case in the future).
> Though, if our technological prowess were to plateau at a level
> advanced enough that we could maintain a stable environment for
> ourselves, but short of any type of "Singularity"...then what?
> Barring a Chinese-style birth control regime, eventually the more
> fertile sub-groups would seem likely proliferate and eventually
> population levels would rise until we were back in the same situation
> that most of our ancestors lived in...with just enough resources to
> sustain the existing population.
> There's a finite amount of energy and resources available on Earth, or
> even in the solar system, if we make it that far.
> Once our technological prowess has plateaued and we've bumped up
> against those energy and resource limits...then what?
> My guess is it doesn't really matter. The rate of change will slow
> from it's current breakneck speed (except for the occasional
> supervolcano/giant asteroid) and the species will adapt to whatever
> the situation is and people (or whatever) will be about as happy as
> they ever were.
> > Rex Allen wrote:
> >>
> >> We can only be "excessively" happy, or excessively unhappy, in a world
> >> that we aren't well adapted to.
> >>
> >> My reasoning is that happiness serves a motivates us to do
> >> things that enhance our reproductive success.
> >>
> >> Unhappiness also serves a motivates us to avoid things that
> >> decrease our reproductive success.
> >
> > But whether it serves that purpose is dependent on the circumstances, not
> > only on the relative amount of happiness and unhappiness.
> >
> > It's not clear that there couldn't be circumstances where it is not
> useful
> > for beings to feel much more or much less happiness (though I hope the
> > latter isn't the case).
> >
> > If there are less treats in the environment, I guess that we would tend
> to
> > be happier, because negative feelings are needed for avoiding (mostly
> rather
> > acute) treats. We don't need to be unhappy to get along with each other,
> for
> > example.
> You don't think that happiness and unhappiness play a significant role
> in the competition for social status and mates among humans?
> I would tend to think that our social relations (or lack thereof) are
> probably the largest contributor to most people's happiness *and*
> unhappiness.
> "Hell is other people."
> "Homo homini lupus."  Man is wolf to man.
> > So in a world where there are less treats (let's say more stable climate)
> > there would be less pressure for negative feelings and more room for
> > usefulness of happiness (let's say due to increased social interaction),
> so
> > we would be happier on average.
> I think increased social interaction is just as likely to result in
> unhappiness as happiness.  Especially in "Malthusian" situations where
> we eventually bump up against available resources.
> Not everyone can be a winner.
> We can't *all* get the prettiest girl or handsomest guy.
> This is bound to cause unhappiness...which then (sometimes) motivates
> increased effort or a different approach on the next round.
> > I find it probable that there are many biological and pre-industrial
> beings
> > in the multiverse that are significantly more happy than us because of
> this
> > (it's very unlikely that it would be close to paradise, though, I guess).
> In an infinite multiverse...I tend to think that every possible
> variation would occur a (countably) infinite number of times.
> And so there would be the same number of happy and unhappy people...a
> countable infinity of each.
> > Rex Allen wrote:
> >>
> >> There has to be some optimum "motivational" mix of happiness and
> >> unhappiness...and I'd think it's always approximately the same mix.
> >
> > I think this is a too simplified conception of what happiness and
> > unhappiness are for. Whether we are motivated does not  only depend on
> > whether there is an appropiate mix of happiness and unhappiness (though
> this
> > I agree this is factor), but whether in the situations where it is useful
> to
> > be unhappy we are unhappy and when it is useful to be happy, we are
> happy.
> > If there are less reasons that would make unhappiness a useful thing,
> there
> > will be less unhappiness (see my example above).
> I'll agree that there is likely a certain degree of dependence on
> contingent circumstance.  In an infinite universe improbable things
> will happen infinitely often...
> > Rex Allen wrote:
> >>
> >> Which brings me to my next point. IF this evolutionary theory were true,
> >> then scientific advancements only increase human happiness to the extent
> >> that it puts us into situations that we're not well adapted to.
> >>
> >> AND, given enough time (and mutation), we should adapt to all scientific
> >> advancements...and a key part of this adaptation will be to reduce the
> >> amount of happiness that they generate.
> >>
> >> We can only be "happier" than cavemen when we are in a situation that we
> >> are not well adapted to.
> >
> > I think if we take scientific advanvement into account what you say
> becomes
> > quite wrong.
> Only if scientific advancement does away with evolution by natural
> selection.  Maybe by using mutation-free cloning instead of good
> old-fashioned sex.  Or eliminating death by natural causes.
> So my opening sentence began:
> "If evolution by natural selection were correct..."
> If we were to do something that resulted in us no longer being subject
> to evolution by natural selection, or if evolution by natural
> selection were false to begin with, then I guess the whole thing is
> moot.
> > First, we can't adapt very much biologically to scientific advancement
> > because science changes us faster than biology can react to. The more
> > scientific advanced we are, the more this becomes true.
> You think that science will continue it's current rate of progress?
> For how long?  And then what will happen after it plateaus?  See my
> scenario above.
> > Rex Allen wrote:
> >>
> >> So, over time entropy will eat away at the structure that
> >> underlies the desire for that thing.
> >
> > I see entropy more as the byproduct of increasing order as something that
> > eats away structure.
> >
> > After all order emerged as entropy increased. It's not like there was a
> > perfect oder at the beginning and now all is falling apart.
> Here's my reasoning:
> 1.  If there is some biological structure required to maintain a
> particular behavior...
> 2.  ...then mutation will inevitably eventually result in
> function-disrupting changes to this structure.
> 3.  If these changes don't reduce reproductive success...
> 4.  ...then these changes will be transmitted to future generations.
> 5.  Over time, more and more of these mutations will occur within this
> structure...
> 6.  ...and since disrupted functioning has no negative impact on
> reproductive success...
> 7.  ...all of these mutations will be transmitted to future generations.
> 8.  Eventually the entire population will inherit function-disrupting
> mutations...
> 9. which time that particular desire will have disappeared from
> the species.
> Order increases because this universe is structured in such a way that
> "disordered" mutants get out-competed by their unmutated brethren -
> while order-increasing mutants out-compete their unmutated brethren.
> Competition keeps the ratcheting up the order as a one-way process
> (barring the occasional catastrophe, to stir the pot).
> But in the normal course of business Mother Nature produces a whole
> slew of disordered mutants for ever "improved" mutant.  The disordered
> ones generally just get eaten quickly.  If they didn't, they would
> hang around and "disorder" the place and the world would be a strange
> place indeed...Futurama sewer strange.
> Rex
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