On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 2:03 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
> On 22 Jun 2011, at 01:56, Rex Allen wrote:
>> Related to the Progress and Happiness thread:
>> http://www.overcomingbias.com/2009/09/this-is-the-dream-time.html
> But I am not sure there will be a point where everything worth knowing will
> be known. In the terrestrial realm (the left hypostases, the one without the
> "*", like G) we will forever scratch the surface. And the right hypostases,
> like G*, are a sort of promise of an inexhaustible collection of bigger and
> bigger surprises, in the terrestrial realm and perhaps beyond).
> On the contrary, the more we will know, the more we will be aware of the
> ignorance.

I guess the key phrase is "worth knowing".  Worth?

I think that he is referring to a particular kind of
knowledge...knowledge that gives you some advantage over your
competitors or over your environment.

And he doesn't say that we will know everything...just that "truly new
and important discoveries will be quite rare."

But, again there's another ambiguous phrase:  "important discoveries".
 Important?  To whom, in what sense?

Again, I think that he is referring to a particular kind of
discovery...discoveries that gives you some advantage over your
competitors or over your environment.

Ultimately he's asserting that humanity will never escape the
competitive evolutionary framework.  Our current golden age is just a
temporary reprieve.

Though, "evolution" takes on a different color in unchanging
plenitudinous Platonia.


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