Sure, it would be great to have improved synthetic bodies, but I have
no reason to believe that depth and quality of consciousness is
independent from substance. If I have an artificial heart, that
artificiality may not affect me as much as having an artificial leg,
however, an artificial brain means an artificial me, and that's a
completely different story. It's like writing a computer program to
replace computer users. You might find out that digital circuits are
unconscious by definition.

On Jul 9, 12:14 am, Kim Jones <> wrote:
> Indeed, why? Any talk of 'artificial circuits' might risk the patient saying 
> 'No' to the doctor. I want real, digital circuits. Meat circuits are fine, 
> though there might be something better. I mean, if something better than 
> 'skin' comes along, I'll swap my skin for that. Probably need the brain 
> upgrade anyway to read the new skin. You could even make me believe I had a 
> new skin via the firmware in the brain upgrade. No need to change skin at all.
> I could even sell you a brain upgrade that looked like it was composed of 
> meat when in fact it was a bunch of something else. You only have to believe 
> what your brain presents you.
> Kim Jones
> On 09/07/2011, at 12:44 PM, meekerdb wrote:
> >> Replacing parts of the brain depends what the artificial circuits are
> >> made of. For them to be experienced as something like human
> >> consciousness then I think they would have to be made of biological
> >> tissue.
> > Why?  Biological tissue is made out of protons, neutrons, and electrons 
> > just like computer chips.  Why should anything other than their 
> > input/output function matter?

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