On 8/11/2011 3:39 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:
On Aug 11, 4:46 pm, meekerdb<meeke...@verizon.net>  wrote:

Right.  As I said, perception is constructive, not passive.
True, but 'we' aren't the ones doing the constructively. Something
like visual sense is presented to us so that we receive it passively,
even though on the visual level images are being resolved actively and
on the associative level it is being recognized actively.

You write as if 'you' is just your conscious thoughts and so all the other 99% of the stuff your eyes and brain do isn't you.

The part of
the psyche that is 'us', has a narrow band of meta-perceptual
conflicts to resolve - ie, which streams of sensorimotive phenomena to
pay attention to, which ones to try to alter, pursue, etc.

We may be no more special than any other subjective body within the
psyche but we are in the executive position over the efferent nerves
of the entire body, and therefore have political significance if
nothing else, compared to a subordinate entity such as our visual
processing or hormone secreting neighbors.

So "you" is just a homunculus sitting in the Cartesian theater.


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