On 8/19/2011 2:18 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
So do you have a LISP program that will make my computer Lobian?

It would be easier to do it by hands:
1) develop a first order logic specification for your computer (that is a first order axiomatic for its data structures, including the elementary manipulations that your computer can do on them) 2) add a scheme of induction axioms on those data structure. For example, for the combinators, it would be like this "if P(K) and P(S) and if for all X and Y P(X) & P(Y) implies P((X,Y)) then for all X and Y P((X,Y))". And this for all "P" describable in your language.

Just to clarify P is some predicate, i.e. a function that returns #T or #F and X and Y are some data stuctures (e.g. lists) and ( , ) is a combinator, i.e. a function from DxD =>D for D the domain of X and Y. Right?


It will be automatically Löbian. And, yes, it should not be to difficult to write a program in LISP, doing that. That is, starting from a first order logical specification of an interpreter, extending it into a Löbian machine.


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