On Aug 20, 5:58 pm, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
> On 8/20/2011 6:10 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:
> > On Aug 20, 8:02 am, Evgenii Rudnyi<use...@rudnyi.ru>  wrote:
> >> Now, Dennett would be the
> >> first to say that it just 'seems' to me that I have a phenomenology but
> >> that is the point isn't it? If it seems to me then I have it. How can
> >> anyone think otherwise??
> > Exactly. The fact that we feel is not contingent upon any external
> > validation of the content of those feelings. Subjective phenomenology
> > is a legitimate and irreducibly primitive part of the universe at the
> > same level as probability or cause and effect. Since it's ontological
> > advantage is private orientation, it is actually where subjectivity
> > underlaps externality that is significant and signifying...the extent
> > to which interior fiction has the potential to diverge from objective
> > fact is where teleology derives it's power, and therefore a great
> > improvement over a zombie universe of pure logical physics.
> > Craig
> > And Dennett is a zimbo. James Randi too. They are the same zimbo.
> Can you quote anything to that effect. In Dennett's actual writing, as
> opposed to what other people have said,

I mainly know Dennett's views from watching him give talks in videos.
Both he and Randi start from a presumption that the 3p world is the
standard by which reality is measured, and then they demonstrate how
1p perception doesn't always faithfully render 3p realities and
therefore is an 'illusion'. What they fail to address is the fact that
our perception is much, much more than adequate for any evolutionary
purpose and quite effective at rendering our interior and exterior
environments to us with precision and accuracy under typical
conditions we encounter.

For an illusion, it's a helluva good one and there is no conceivable
alternative. What's more, it is only through perception that we can
question perception, so if we can't trust it, then why can we trust
not trusting it either? Why is he even talking if we are all just
biochemical machines acting out our evolutionary destiny? As long as
we survive and reproduce, it shouldn't matter what we think is true.

> he says zombies are preposterous.

That's exactly what a zimbo would say ;)

> "I can’t see why a belief in zombies isn’t simply ridiculous, and I’m
> going to go on comparing zombies to epiphenomenal gremlins and other
> such prepostera until some philosopher mounts a proper
> defence, showing that the belief in the possibility of zombies is
> somehow better supported
> than these other cases."

Yeah, I'm not saying he believes in zombies, I'm saying that maybe he
IS a zombie.


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