On Sep 21, 3:04 am, Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:

>The "1" digit could be said to be moving through the number.

100000000000000000000000 :o) 000000000000000000

The ) could also be said to be smiling at you. It isn't though. Not
objectively. The patterns that we perceive belong to our ability to
recognize and make sense of them.

I think that attempts to reconcile all phenomena to quantitative
logical propositions are incomplete in that they stop short of
acknowledging deeper sensorimotive primitives. To say that 0 = 0
presupposes a concept of equality. What is equality? Where does it
come from? What is it made of?

It is certainly not logical to say that in some way one thing is a
different thing. Every event, every particle or pattern is unique in
some way, otherwise we could not reference it as a discrete instance.
The proposition of equality then, is a second order inference; a
comparison of qualities among separated and unique incidences. That
second order inference is undeniably subject to interpretation. To say
that one thing is equal to another is to triangulate that equality
from the perspective of a third entity (or con-sens-us of entities).
If I look at two 'little brown mushrooms' I may say that they are
equal, but an expert mycologist will be able to tell that they are not
at all equal.

It is very seductive to equate arithmetic equalities with universal
truths, but for purposes of understanding First Cause and
consciousness, we must probe that presumption of primacy more deeply.
Equality is an intellectual concept that arises, in entities capable
of symbolic cognition (but nothing else), from perception or
detection. It is an experience of detecting a pattern within a
pattern. An experience feels 'like' another experience from memory. An
image 'looks like' another image or reminds you of experiences through
another channel of sense.

Arithmetic truths work to program semiconductors because they have
certain qualities which we share (and many others that we do not). You
can't program clouds of steam to compute in the same way. By selecting
a particular type of substance which reflects back to us our own
certainties about primitive logic, we reify the part of our nature
which is most solid, crystalline, and mechanical. These are the polar
opposite from the qualities which are responsible for being able to
imagine the moving 1 through the matrix of 0s, or the emoticon

As discrete and predictably stable as the binary logic is, with it's
absolute literal equalities, the psyche is utterly fluid, ephemeral,
and wild. Not that it doesn't have it's own 'rules' - it does, but
they are figurative rules of thumb - themes, such as attention and
distraction, high and low significance, etc. Equivalences and
associative leaps can be fuzzy or tenuous. The psyche reads between
the lines, fills in the gaps between each step. It's hard to get a
glimpse of this, because this is actually what we are 'made of', but
we can deduce it.


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