On Oct 1, 6:14 am, Stathis Papaioannou <stath...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:44 AM, Craig Weinberg <whatsons...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Sep 30, 10:16 am, Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> On Sep 30, 2011, at 7:22 AM, Craig Weinberg <whatsons...@gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >> > On Sep 29, 11:14 pm, Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >> Craig, do the neurons violate the conservation of energy and
> >> >> momentum?  And if not, then how can they have any unexpected effects?
> >> > No. If you are wondering whether I think that anything that
> >> > contradicts established observations of physics, chemistry, or biology
> >> > is going on, the answer has always been no, and the fact that you are
> >> > still asking means that you don't understand what I've said.
> >> If it seems that I have misunderstood it is because I see a
> >> contradiction.  If a neuron opens it's ion channels because of a
> >> thought, then thought is something we can see all the correlates of in
> >> terms of third person observable particle collisions.  If the ion
> >> channel were to open without the observable and necessary particle
> >> collisions then the neuron would be violating the conservation if
> >> momentum.
> > It's not the particle collisions that cause an ion channel to open,
> > it's the neuron's sensitivity to specific electrochemical conditions
> > associated with neurotransmitter molecules, and it's ability to
> > respond with a specific physical change. All of those changes are
> > accompanied by qualitative experiences on that microcosmic level. Our
> > thoughts do not cause the ion channels to directly open or close any
> > more than a screen writer causes the pixels of your TV to get brighter
> > or dimmer, you are talking about two entirely different scales of
> > perception. Think of our thoughts and feelings as the 'back end' of
> > the total physical 'front end' activity of the brain. The back end
> > thoughts and feelings cannot be reduced to the front end activities of
> > neurons or ion channels, but they can be reduced to the back end
> > experiences of those neurons or ion channels - almost, except that
> > they synergize in a more significant way than front end phenomena can.
> > Think of it like a fractal vis if you want, where the large design is
> > always emerging from small designs, but imagine that the large design
> > and the small designs are both controlled by separate, but overlapping
> > intelligences so that sometimes the small forms change and propagate
> > to the larger picture and other times the largest picture changes and
> > all of the smaller images are consequently changed. Now imagine that
> > the entire fractal dynamic has an invisible, private backstage to it,
> > which has no fractal shapes developing and shifting every second, but
> > it has instead flavors and sounds that change at completely different
> > intervals of time than the front end fractal, so that the pulsating
> > rhythms of the fractal are represented on the back end as long
> > melodies and fragrant journeys.
> > Both the visual fractal and the olfactory musical follow some of the
> > same cues exactly and both of them diverge from each other completely
> > as well so that you cannot look at the fractal and find some graphic
> > mechanism that produces a song, and the existence of the song does not
> > mean that there is an invisible musicality pushing the pixels of the
> > fractal around, it's just that they are like the two ends of a bowtie;
> > one matter across space and the other experience through time. They
> > influence each other - sometimes intentionally, sometimes arbitrarily,
> > and sometimes in a conflicting or self defeating way.
> I'm afraid the analogies you use don't help, at least for me. Does an
> ion channel ever open in the absence of an observable cause? It's a
> simple yes/no question. Whether consciousness is associated,
> supervenient, linked, provided by God or whatever is a separate
> question.

Observable by who? It seems like a simple yes or no question to you
because you aren't willing or able to see the whole phenomena. If I
choose to think about something that makes me mad, I observe that I
feel angry, and I observe that neurons fire, ion channels open, etc at
the same time. The thoughts and anger they arouse are the observable
cause, but they cannot be observed with a microscope or fMRI. They are
observed by the person whose brain it is. This is the literal reality
of what is going on. If I put my hand on a hot stove, neurons fire,
ion channels open, and I feel burning pain through my skin. The cause
there is the heat of the stove.


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