On Oct 29, 6:44 pm, Stathis Papaioannou <stath...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Oct 30, 2011, at 3:17 AM, Nick Prince <nickmag.pri...@googlemail.com> 
> wrote:
> > Maybe you are thinking of Tegmark level 1 or level 2 type multiverses
> > here, in which case I agree.  What I was doing in my analysis was
> > thinking about QM type 3 multiverses only. Let's pretend that these
> > are the only variety for the moment, then my analysis does indicate
> > that cul de sacs arise only if the unitary development during
> > interactions follow the ideal measurement prescription.  You can see
> > this because in the times between the action of operator Mdev and Mc
> > the cat is alive in both branches but destined to die in one of them.
> > This has to be true for both ist and 3person points of view because
> > there is nowhere for the consciousness to go.  If you are going to
> > include the other types of multiverse then yes,  all sorts of
> > possibilities open up. Indeed dreaming cats would be included too.
> > Moreover, it seems to me from Bruno's Sane papers that ist person
> > indeterminacy is non local in space and in time so, I guess in
> > principle it's possible according to that reasoning, that the cat
> > could find a contiuation of its consciousness in some other cat far
> > off in the future in some universe.  If we restrict ourselves to level
> > 3 type QM branching of fungible universes then perfect functioning
> > flask gassing mechanisms would provide cul de sacs.
> > I was hoping that this might give a start to some form of extra
> > support (although not a proof )of the no cul de sac conjecture because
> > in the limit as the number of degrees of freedom in the devices
> > introduce more and more branches due to evolutions of the form (4)
> > (which could  possibly be infinite  linear combinations), then perhaps
> > once the environment was included as well, the limit would ensure that
> > the cul de sacs were avoided.  If we factor in other level 1 and 2
> > type universes then this only helps the argument.
> I didn't think that level 1 and 2 multiverses were any richer in their 
> variety than level 3.
> -- Stathis Papaioannou- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I'm also thinking that Level 1 and 2 universes may not be infinite in
extent which limits the possible observer moments I have access to. I
have argued before on the list that the question of topology of the
"universe" is far from clear. Those OM available from level 3 are
possibly more directly accessible ( if MWI is true in the right form).


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