2011/12/6 benjayk <benjamin.jaku...@googlemail.com>

> Quentin Anciaux-2 wrote:
> >
> > 2011/12/5 benjayk <benjamin.jaku...@googlemail.com>
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Bruno Marchal wrote:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > On 04 Dec 2011, at 16:39, benjayk wrote:
> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Bruno Marchal wrote:
> >> >>>
> >> >>>> The steps rely on the substitution being "perfect", which they will
> >> >>>> never
> >> >>>> be.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> That would contradict the digital and correct level assumption.
> >> >>>
> >> >> No. Correctly functioning means "good enough to be working", not
> >> >> perfect.
> >> >
> >> > Once the level is chosen, it is perfect, by definition of digital.
> >> > Either you miss something or you are playing with words.
> >> No, you miss something. You choose to define the words so that they fit
> >> your
> >> conlusion.
> >> Wikipedia says "A digital system[1] is a data technology that uses
> >> discrete
> >> (discontinuous) values.". That does not mean that digital system has no
> >> other relevant parts that don't work with discrete values, and that may
> >> matter in the substitution.
> >> COMP does not say they can't matter.
> >>
> >
> > It does by definition.
> >
> Definition of what? Correct substitution level?

If you are turing emulable *then* there exists a *perfect* substitution
level *or* the premice "you are turing emulable" is false.

> It just says that there is a
> working substitution level. It does not say it has to work perfectly, or
> that only the right choice of the substitution level matters (indeed,
> obviously it matter whether it is instantiated correctly).
> Quentin Anciaux-2 wrote:
> >
> >  The only thing that matter is digitalness... the
> > fact that you run it on your pingpong ball computer doesn't matter.
> >
> It does matter. If you run computations on pingpong ball computer that
> interact with the environment

This is relative to the environment. If you want to interact with the
"simulated" brain, you *must* run at the same level. That does not preclude
that the simulated brain can be run on any level, only interaction with you
require a specific level... your level.

> , it will be useless (because the computations
> are too slow to use the input and give useful output). And the brain/body
> of
> us interacts with the environment per definition of what a brain/body is.
> Or, if your computer runs the expected computations, but fails 99,999%
> percent of the time, it is also of no use.
> Or if your computer runs the expected computations, but doesn't correctly
> transform analog and digital values. Say, for example you give it a sound
> "Woooshhh..." that is represented as data XYZ and then is transformed by
> the
> computation C which gives the digital output ABC, which is sent to your
> screen, it will be useless.
> We always need input/output, otherwise our brain can't interact with its
> environment, making it useless.
> COMP does not say only the digitalness matters.

Yes it says... Computationalism is the theory that you can be run/simulated
on a digital computer.

> It says digital
> substitution, but it does not say that only the digitalness of the
> substitution matters. As said, digital means using discrete values, not
> something were everything else but its discrete values does not matter
> (what
> ever that would even mean, since we can't even absolutely differentiate
> between discrete values and their physical anolog instantiation).
> Also, we assume that doctor correctly implements the computations, and in
> that implementation it may matter if his implementations takes care of the
> non-computational aspect of the implementation.
> If we take COMP to mean only the discrete values and their computations can
> matter, then we already state the conlusion, since discrete values and
> their
> computations are not physical, but abstract notions, so materialism (and
> non-platonic-immaterialism) are excluded at the beginning.
> But in this case the doctor can not possibly make a mistake (since the
> physical instantiation can't matter, and so can't be wrong), but this means
> that it doesn't matter at all what is being substituted and how.
> That is a reductio ad absurdum of this interpretation of COMP, since it
> obviously does matter whether we substitute our brain with a peanut or a
> working device.
> I don't get why it is not valid to show that the assumption is absurd to
> refute the reasoning. You can't say "assuming [the latter form of] COMP" if
> that assumption is absurd (well, you can but then your reasoning is as
> absurd).
> Quentin Anciaux-2 wrote:
> >
> >> Bruno Marchal wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> A digital
> >> >> computer is not defined to be always working, and a correct
> >> >> substitution is
> >> >> one where the computer works good enough, not perfectly.
> >> >
> >> > You miss the notion of level, and are splitting the hair, it seems to
> >> > me.
> >> I am splitting the hair if I am pointing out the most essential flaw in
> >> the
> >> argument?
> >> I don't miss the notion of level. Correct substitution level means
> >> working
> >> substitution level, nowhere does it say it works perfectly.
> >
> > If there is a substitution level, then it is perfect by definition of
> > substitution level. If it is not perfect, either it is not the correct
> > substitution level or there are none.
> Nowhere in COMP is substitution level defined as a level that works
> perfectly. It works good enough for us to subjectively stay the same
> person.

That's not the point... if we are turing emulable *then* the exists a
*perfect* level of substitution or we are not turing emulable. The fact
that an imperfect chosen level would work does not change the fact that
*if*  we are turing emulable *then* the exists a *perfect* level of

> If you insist COMP means there is a perfect substitution level, we get the
> same problem as above (perfect substitution is not possible physically -
> just according to the COMP conclusion -, so we can't substitute correctly,
> or any abitrary substitution has no effect, which is absurd) and even if a
> perfect substitution level existed, it would have to be correctly
> implemented, which may include a non-computational aspect.
> Quentin Anciaux-2 wrote:
> >
> >> >
> >> > You are playing with words. Sorry, but I get that feeling. Comp would
> >> > have no sense if you were true here, and that contradict other
> >> > statement you made. you still are unclear if you criticize comp, or
> >> > the validity of the reasoning. You seem a bit wanting to be negative.
> >> I am just being honest. My criticism can be conceived of a criticism of
> >> comp
> >> or your reasoning, because I argue that either comp is false or the
> >> reasoning.
> >>
> >
> > His argument is not about comp validity but about the fact that you can't
> > have computationalism true *and* materialism true. Both notion are
> > incompatible. He does not says comp is true.
> I know that. That's why I say his reasoning is invalid (in case we
> interpret
> COMP as a meaningful assumption), *or* COMP is necessarily false (as shown
> by the reductio ad absurdum above).
> The only reason I include the latter option is that a reasoning that
> reasons
> from an incoherent assumption is also practically not valid, since you can
> "correctly" derive everything from an incohrent assumption.
> benjayk
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