On 16 January 2012 18:08, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> I do not need an extra God or observer of arithmetical truth, to interpret
> some number relation as computations, because the numbers, relatively to
> each other, already do that task. From their view, to believe that we need
> some extra-interpreter, would be like to believe that if your own brain is
> not observed by someone, it would not be conscious.

I'm unclear from the above - and indeed from the rest of your comments
- whether you are defining interpretation in a purely 3p way, or
whether you are implicitly placing it in a 1-p framework - e.g. where
you say above "From their view".  If you do indeed assume that numbers
can have such views, then I see why you would say that they "interpret
themselves", because adopting the 1p view is already to invoke a kind
of "emergence" of number-epistemology.  But such an emergence is still
only a manner of speaking from OUR point of view, in that I can
rephrase what you say above thus: "From their view, to believe that
THEY need some extra-interpreter..." without taking such a point of
view in any literal sense.  Are you saying that consciousness somehow
elevates number-epistemology into "strong emergence", such that their
point of view and self-interpretation become indistinguishable from my


> On 16 Jan 2012, at 15:32, David Nyman wrote:
>> On 16 January 2012 10:04, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>>> Actually you can define computation, even universal machine, by using
>>> only
>>> addition and multiplication. So universal machine exists in elementary
>>> arithmetic in the same sense as in the existence of prime number.
>> That may be, but we were discussing interpretation.  As you say above:
>> "YOU can define computation, even universal machine, by using only
>> addition and multiplication" (my emphasis).
> Not just ME. A tiny part of arithmetic can too. All universal numbers can do
> that. No need of first person notion. All this can be shown in a 3p way.
> Indeed, in arithmetic. Even without the induction axioms, so that we don't
> need Löbian machine.
> The existence of the UD for example, is a theorem of (Robinson) arithmetic.
> Now, that kinds of truth are rather long and tedious to show. This was shown
> mainly by Gödel in his 1931 paper (for rich Löbian theories). It is called
> "arithmetization of meta-mathematics". I will try to explain the salt of it
> without being too much technical below.
>> But this is surely, as you
>> are wont to say, too quick.  Firstly, in what sense can numbers in
>> simple arithmetical relation define THEMSELVES as computation, or
>> indeed as anything else than what they simply are?
> Here you ask a more difficult question. Nevertheless it admits a positive
> answer.
>> I think that the
>> ascription of "self-interpretation" to a bare ontology is superficial;
>> it conceals an implicit supplementary appeal to epistemology, and
>> indeed to a self.
> But can define a notion of 3-self in arithmetic. Then to get the 1-self, we
> go at the meta-level and combine it with the notion of arithmetical truth.
> That notion is NOT definable in arithmetic, but that is a good thing,
> because it will explain why the notion of first person, and of
> consciousness, will not be definable by machine.
>> Hence it appears that some perspectival union of
>> epistemology and ontology is a prerequisite of interpretation.
> OK. But the whole force of comp comes from the fact that you can define a
> big part of that epistemology using only the elementary ontology.
> Let us agree on what we mean by defining something in arithmetic (or in the
> arithmetical language).
> The arithmetical language is the first order (predicate) logic with
> equality(=), so that it has the usual logical connectives (&, V, ->, ~ (and,
> or, implies, not), and the quantifiers "E" and "A", (it exists and for all),
> together with the special arithmetical symbols "0", "s" "+" and "*".
> To illustrate an arithmetical definition, let me give you some definitions
> of simple concepts.
> We can define the arithmetical relation " x =< y" (x is less than or equal
> to y).
> Indeed x =< y if and only if
> Ez(x+z = y)
> We can define x < y (x is strictly less than y) by
> Ez((x+z) + s(0) = y)
> We can define (x divide y) by
> Ez(x*z = y)
> Now we can define (x is a prime number) by
>  Az[ (x ≠ 1) and ((z divide x) -> ((z = 1) or (z = x))]
> Which should be seen as a "macro" abbreviation of
> Az(~(x = s(0)) & ((Ey(x*y = x) -> (z = 1) V (z = x)).
> Now I tell you that we can define, exactly in that manner, the notion of
> universal number, computations, proofs, etc.
> In particular any proposition of the form phi_i(j) = k can be translated in
> arithmetic. A famous predicate due to Kleene is used for that effect . A
> universal number u can be defined by the relation
> AxAy(phi_u(<x,y>) = phi_x(y)), with <x,y> being a computable bijection from
> NXN to N.
> Like metamathematics can be arithmetized, theoretical computer science can
> be arithmetized.
> The interpretation is not done by me, but by the true relation between the
> numbers. 4 < 6 because it is true that Ez(s(s(s(s(0))))+z + s(0) =
> s(s(s(s(s(s(0)))))) ). That is true.  Such a z exists, notably  z = s(0).
> Likewize, assuming comp, the reason why you are conscious "here and now" is
> that your relative computational state exists, together with the infinitely
> many computations going through it.
> Your consciousness is harder to tackle, because it will refer more
> explicitly on that truth, like in the Bp & p Theatetical trick.
> I do not need an extra God or observer of arithmetical truth, to interpret
> some number relation as computations, because the numbers, relatively to
> each other, already do that task. From their view, to believe that we need
> some extra-interpreter, would be like to believe that if your own brain is
> not observed by someone, it would not be conscious.
> Let me say two or three words on the SELF.  Basically, it is very simple.
> You don't need universal numbers, nor super rich environment. You need an
> environment (machine, number) capable of duplicating, or concatenating piece
> of code. I usually sing this: If D(x) gives the description of x(x), then
> D(D) gives the description of DD. This belongs to the diagonalization
> family, and can be used to proves the existence of programs (relative
> numbers) capable of self-reproduction and self-reference with respect to
> universal (or not) numbers. So, some numbers can interpret by themselves
> some relative number relations (relative to some probable local universal
> number) as a self-referential statement (like "I have two hands"), or even
> "I am hungry", making them hope some action in the environment will lead
> them in most satisfying relation with that possible environment. Such
> numbers can understand UDA like you and me, and realize that the only way
> that is possible, is by its local reality being stable relatively to the
> infinity of computations going through its computational states at its
> correct comp level and below.
> Tell me if this helps. I use comp throughout, 'course.
> Bruno
>> David
>>> On 14 Jan 2012, at 18:51, David Nyman wrote:
>>>> On 14 January 2012 16:50, Stephen P. King <stephe...@charter.net> wrote:
>>>>> The problem is that mathematics cannot represent matter other than by
>>>>> invariance with respect to time, etc. absent an interpreter.
>>>> Sure, but do you mean to say that the interpreter must be physical?  I
>>>> don't see why.  And yet, as you say, the need for interpretation is
>>>> unavoidable.  Now, my understanding of Bruno, after some fairly close
>>>> questioning (which may still leave me confused, of course) is that the
>>>> elements of his arithmetical ontology are strictly limited to numbers
>>>> (or their equivalent) + addition and multiplication.  This emerged
>>>> during discussion of macroscopic compositional principles implicit in
>>>> the interpretation of micro-physical schemas; principles which are
>>>> rarely understood as being epistemological in nature.  Hence, strictly
>>>> speaking, even the ascription of the notion of computation to
>>>> arrangements of these bare arithmetical elements assumes further
>>>> compositional principles and therefore appeals to some supplementary
>>>> epistemological "interpretation".
>>>> In other words, any bare ontological schema, uninterpreted, is unable,
>>>> from its own unsupplemented resources, to actualise whatever
>>>> higher-level emergents may be implicit within it.  But what else could
>>>> deliver that interpretation/actualisation?  What could embody the
>>>> collapse of ontology and epistemology into a single actuality?  Could
>>>> it be that interpretation is finally revealed only in the "conscious
>>>> merger" of these two polarities?
>>> Actually you can define computation, even universal machine, by using
>>> only
>>> addition and multiplication. So universal machine exists in elementary
>>> arithmetic in the same sense as in the existence of prime number. All the
>>> "Bp " and "Dp" are pure arithmetical sentences. What cannot be defined is
>>> Bp
>>> & p, and we need to go out of the mind of the machine, and out of
>>> arithmetic, to provide the meaning, and machines can do that too. So, in
>>> arithmetic, you can find true statement about machine going outside of
>>> arithmetic. It is here that we have to be careful of not doing Searle's
>>> error of confusing levels, and that's why the epistemology internal in
>>> arithmetic can be bigger than arithmetic. Arithmetic itself does not
>>> "believe" in that epistemology, but it believes in numbers believing in
>>> them. Whatever you believe in will not been automatically believed by
>>> God,
>>> but God will always believe that you do believe in them.
>>> Bruno
>>>> David
>>>>> Hi Bruno,
>>>>>   You seem to not understand the role that the physical plays at all!
>>>>> This
>>>>> reminds me of an inversion of how most people cannot understand the way
>>>>> that
>>>>> math is "abstract" and have to work very hard to understand notions
>>>>> like
>>>>> "in
>>>>> principle a coffee cup is the same as a doughnut".
>>>>> On 1/14/2012 6:58 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>>>> On 13 Jan 2012, at 18:24, Stephen P. King wrote:
>>>>> Hi Bruno,
>>>>> On 1/13/2012 4:38 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>>>> Hi Stephen,
>>>>> On 13 Jan 2012, at 00:58, Stephen P. King wrote:
>>>>> Hi Bruno,
>>>>> On 1/12/2012 1:01 PM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>>>> On 11 Jan 2012, at 19:35, acw wrote:
>>>>> On 1/11/2012 19:22, Stephen P. King wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I have a question. Does not the Tennenbaum Theorem prevent the concept
>>>>> of first person plural from having a coherent meaning, since it seems
>>>>> to
>>>>> makes PA unique and singular? In other words, how can multiple copies
>>>>> of
>>>>> PA generate a plurality of first person since they would be an
>>>>> equivalence class. It seems to me that the concept of plurality of 1p
>>>>> requires a 3p to be coherent, but how does a 3p exist unless it is a 1p
>>>>> in the PA sense?
>>>>> Onward!
>>>>> Stephen
>>>>> My understanding of 1p plural is merely many 1p's sharing an apparent
>>>>> 3p
>>>>> world. That 3p world may or may not be globally coherent (it is most
>>>>> certainly locally coherent), and may or may not be computable,
>>>>> typically
>>>>> I
>>>>> imagine it as being locally computed by an infinity of TMs, from the
>>>>> 1p.
>>>>> At
>>>>> least one coherent 3p foundation exists as the UD, but that's something
>>>>> very
>>>>> different from the universe a structural realist would believe in (for
>>>>> example, 'this universe', or the MWI multiverse). So a coherent 3p
>>>>> foundation always exists, possibly an infinity of them. The parts (or
>>>>> even
>>>>> the whole) of the 3p foundation should be found within the UD.
>>>>> As for PA's consciousness, I don't know, maybe Bruno can say a lot more
>>>>> about this. My understanding of consciousness in Bruno's theory is that
>>>>> an
>>>>> OM(Observer Moment) corresponds to a Sigma-1 sentence.
>>>>> You can ascribe a sort of local consciousness to the person living,
>>>>> relatively to you, that Sigma_1 truth, but the person itself is really
>>>>> related to all the proofs (in Platonia) of that sentences (roughly
>>>>> speaking).
>>>>> OK, but that requires that I have a justification for a belief in
>>>>> Platonia.
>>>>> The closest that I can get to Platonia is something like the class of
>>>>> all
>>>>> verified proofs (which supervenes on some form of physical process.)
>>>>> You need just to believe that in the standard model of PA a sentence is
>>>>> true
>>>>> or false. I have not yet seen any book in math mentioning anything
>>>>> physical
>>>>> to define what that means.
>>>>> *All* math papers you cited assume no less.
>>>>>   I cannot understand how such an obvious concept is not understood,
>>>>> even
>>>>> the notion of universality assumes it. The point is that mathematical
>>>>> statements require some form of physicality to be known and
>>>>> communicated,
>>>>> OK. But they does not need phyicality to be just true. That's the
>>>>> point.
>>>>>   Surely, but the truthfulness of a mathematical statement is
>>>>> meaningless
>>>>> without the possibility of physical implementation. One cannot even
>>>>> know
>>>>> of
>>>>> it absent the possibility of the physical.
>>>>> it just is the case that the sentence, model, recursive algorithm,
>>>>> whatever
>>>>> concept, etc. is independent of any particular form of physical
>>>>> implementation but is not independent of all physical representations.
>>>>> Of course it is. When you reason in PA you don't use any axiom
>>>>> referring
>>>>> to
>>>>> physics. To say that you need a physical brain begs the question *and*
>>>>> is
>>>>> a
>>>>> level-of-reasoning error.
>>>>>   PA does need to have any axioms that refer to physics. The fact that
>>>>> PA
>>>>> is inferred from patterns of chalk on a chalk board or patterns of ink
>>>>> on
>>>>> a
>>>>> whiteboard or patterns of pixels on a computer monitor or patterns of
>>>>> scratches in the dust or ... is sufficient to establish the truth of
>>>>> what
>>>>> I
>>>>> am saying. If you remove the possibility of physical implementation you
>>>>> also
>>>>> remove the possibility of meaningfulness.
>>>>> We cannot completely abstract away the role played by the physical
>>>>> world.
>>>>> That's what we do in math.
>>>>>   Yes, but all the while the physical world is the substrate for our
>>>>> patterns without which there is meaninglessness.
>>>>> I simply cannot see how Sigma_1 sentences can interface with each other
>>>>> such
>>>>> that one can "know" anything about another absent some form of
>>>>> physicality.
>>>>> The "interfaces" and the relative implementations are defined using
>>>>> addition
>>>>> and multiplication only, like in Gödel's original paper. Then UDA shows
>>>>> why
>>>>> physicality is an emergent pattern in the mind of number, and why it
>>>>> has
>>>>> to
>>>>> be like that if comp is true. AUDA shows how to make the derivation.
>>>>>   No, you have only proven that the idea that the physicalist idea that
>>>>> "mind is an epiphenomena" is false,
>>>>> No. I show that the physical reality is not an ontological reality,
>>>>> once
>>>>> we
>>>>> assume we are (even material) machine.
>>>>>   And I agree, the physical is not a primitive in the existential
>>>>> sense,
>>>>> but neither is the information. Idealism would have us believe that
>>>>> differences can somehow obtain without a means to make the distinction.
>>>>> i.e. that material monism is false.
>>>>> I insist everywhere that this is not what I showed. I show that all
>>>>> form
>>>>> of
>>>>> weak materialism is incompatible with mechanism. All. The monist one,
>>>>> the
>>>>> dualist one, etc.
>>>>>   How weak does materialism get when its primary quality is removed?
>>>>> This
>>>>> is a case of  "vanishing in the limit", something similar to the heap
>>>>> that
>>>>> vanishes when we remove the last grain.
>>>>> A proof that I understand and agree with.
>>>>> Clearly you did not. You even miss the enunciation of the result.
>>>>> Mechanism
>>>>> is incompatible with WEAK materialism, that is the idea that primitive
>>>>> matter exist, or the idea that physics is the fundamental science.
>>>>>   Can you not understand these words? How is materialism any weaker
>>>>> than
>>>>> the case of no material at all? My argument is that the possibility of
>>>>> physical implementation cannot be removed without removing the
>>>>> possibility
>>>>> of meaningfulness. It is not an argument for a primitive ontological
>>>>> status
>>>>> for matter. You even seem to follow this reasoning when I ask you where
>>>>> does
>>>>> the computation occur then there is not paper tape for the TM and you
>>>>> say
>>>>> "on the walls of Platonia".
>>>>> Your arguments and discussions in support of ideal monism and,
>>>>> I prove that ideal monism is the only option, once you believe that
>>>>> consciousness is invariant for digital functional substitution done at
>>>>> some
>>>>> level.
>>>>>   No, you did not. Your result cannot do such a thing because you
>>>>> cannot
>>>>> have your cake (a meaningful set of expressions) and eat it too.
>>>>> Digital
>>>>> functional substitution is the substitution of one physical
>>>>> implementation
>>>>> for another, it shows that the fact of universality does not depend on
>>>>> any
>>>>> particular physical implementation but DOES NOT eliminate the need for
>>>>> at
>>>>> least one form of physical implementation. Digital substitutability is
>>>>> an
>>>>> invariance over the class of physical implementations, but what happens
>>>>> then
>>>>> you remove all members of a class? It vanishes!
>>>>> like Berkeley's, still fail because while the physical is not
>>>>> primitive,
>>>>> it
>>>>> is not merely the epiphenomena of the mind either.
>>>>> It has to be by the UDA.
>>>>>   And the UDA (like the UD) must have some implementation, even though
>>>>> the
>>>>> particulars of that implementation are irrelevant.
>>>>> You are perhaps confused by the fact that unlike the physical, ideas
>>>>> can
>>>>> represent themselves.
>>>>> I believe that comp makes the "physical" into an aspect of number's
>>>>> self-reference.
>>>>>   There we agree but I would say that a number's self-reference is its
>>>>> connection to some physical representation. My point is that there
>>>>> cannot
>>>>> be
>>>>> a self-reference without an implementation even if the particulars of
>>>>> the
>>>>> implementation do not matter.
>>>>> If I take away all forms of physical means of communicating ideas, no
>>>>> chalkboards, paper, computer screens, etc., how can ideas be possibly
>>>>> communicated?
>>>>> Because arithmetical truth contains all machine 'dreams", including
>>>>> dreams
>>>>> of chalkboards, papers, screens, etc. UDA has shown that a "real
>>>>> paper",
>>>>> or
>>>>> & "real screen" is an emergent stable pattern supervening on infinities
>>>>> of
>>>>> computation, through a competition between all universal numbers
>>>>> occurring
>>>>> below our substitution level. You might try to tell me where in the
>>>>> proof
>>>>> you lost the arguement.
>>>>>   When these "infinities of computations" are taken to have specific
>>>>> properties merely because of their existence. You are conflating
>>>>> existence
>>>>> with property definiteness. Most people have this problem.
>>>>> This does not make sense. I assume not just O, s(0), etc. I assume also
>>>>> addition and multiplication. That's enough to get the properties.
>>>>>   There is an "I" in that statement! What is this "I"? What is its
>>>>> function? What class is it an invariant upon? Exactly how is it that
>>>>> you
>>>>> know of these properties? Absent the possibility of some form of
>>>>> implementation in the physical, there is no distinction between you and
>>>>> anything. Meaning requires distinction. Some even say that meaning *is*
>>>>> distinction. What other than the persistence of pattern that the
>>>>> physical
>>>>> offers acts to allow for the ability to know differences?
>>>>> Mere existence does not specify properties.
>>>>> That's not correct. We can explain the property "being prime" from the
>>>>> mere
>>>>> existence of 0, s(0), s(s(0)), ... and the recursive laws of addition
>>>>> and
>>>>> multiplication.
>>>>>   No, existence does not specify anything, much less that "0, s(0),
>>>>> s(s(0)), ..." is distinct from any other string, nor does it specify
>>>>> the
>>>>> laws of addition or multiplication. Existence is not a property that an
>>>>> object has.
>>>>> Exactly. that's the point. You seem to contradict it.
>>>>>   But existence is thus independent of properties and thus
>>>>> distinctions.
>>>>> So your claim that " "being prime" from the mere existence of 0, s(0),
>>>>> s(s(0)), ... and the recursive laws of addition and multiplication"
>>>>> requires
>>>>> a substrate that allows form representative patterns to obtain.
>>>>> Universality
>>>>> allows us to substitute one form of substrate for another so long as
>>>>> the
>>>>> function is the same. But universality and existence alone are
>>>>> insufficient
>>>>> for your claim that "I prove that ideal monism is the only option". You
>>>>> also
>>>>> have to show how the properties are both definite and invariant. This
>>>>> requires implementation in a form that is invariant (to some degree)
>>>>> with
>>>>> respect to time. There is not time in Platonia therefore there in no
>>>>> invariance with respect to time for the patterns of difference to occur
>>>>> for
>>>>> implementation to be said to obtain.
>>>>> You need to study the "problem of universals" in philosophy, it is well
>>>>> known and has been debated for even thousands of years. For example see
>>>>> 1
>>>>> or
>>>>> 2.
>>>>> This is a red herring.
>>>>>   In a way, surely, but the essence of the problem is not. The paper
>>>>> that
>>>>> is reference 1 explains this well.
>>>>> I go so far as considering that the wavefunction and its unitary
>>>>> evolution
>>>>> exists and it is a sufficiently universal "physical" process to
>>>>> implement
>>>>> the UD, but the UD as just the equivalent to Integers, nay, that I
>>>>> cannot
>>>>> believe in. “One cannot speak about whatever one cannot talk.” ~
>>>>> Maturana
>>>>> (1978, p. 49)
>>>>> I think Maturana was alluding to Wittgenstein, and that sentence is
>>>>> almost
>>>>> as ridiculous as Damascius saying "one sentence about the ineffable is
>>>>> one
>>>>> sentence too much". But it is a deep meta-truth playing some role in
>>>>> number's theology.
>>>>>   OK, I deeply appreciate your erudition, you are much more educated
>>>>> than
>>>>> I am, but nevertheless, I submit to you that you cannot just ignore the
>>>>> universals vs. nominal problem and posit by fiat that just because one
>>>>> can
>>>>> proof the truth of some statement that that statement's existence
>>>>> determines
>>>>> its properties. Our ability to communicate ideas follows from their
>>>>> universality, that they do not require *some particular* physical
>>>>> implementation, but that is not the same as requiring *no* physical
>>>>> implementation. You argue that *no* physical implementation is
>>>>> necessary;
>>>>> I
>>>>> disagree.
>>>>> It is the result of the proof. It is up to you to show the flaw, or to
>>>>> abandon comp.
>>>>>   The problem is that mathematics cannot represent matter other than by
>>>>> invariance with respect to time, etc. absent an interpreter. What you
>>>>> seem
>>>>> to think is that mathematics can prove things to itself in a manner
>>>>> consistent with how I might be able to write out a set of symbols on
>>>>> your
>>>>> chalkboard that represent a proof of some theorem. You reject David
>>>>> Deutsch's discussion of how this is wrongheaded out of hand, that is
>>>>> unfortunate since it would greatly strengthen your case if you could
>>>>> show
>>>>> exactly where Deutsch is going wrong, if he is...
>>>>> But I think that you  cannot define the universal wave without
>>>>> postulating
>>>>> arithmetical realism. In fact real number+trigonometrical function is a
>>>>> stronger form of realism than arithmetical realism. Adding "physical"
>>>>> in
>>>>> front of it adds nothing but a magical notion of primary substance.
>>>>> Epistemologically it is a form of treachery, by UDA, it singles out a
>>>>> universal number and postulate it is real, when comp explains precisely
>>>>> that
>>>>> such a move cannot work.
>>>>>   I am allowing for realism, it is a belief that may be true, but it is
>>>>> not a unique singleton in the universe of models. I am arguing against
>>>>> the
>>>>> idea that the physical is primitive, against substantivalism especially
>>>>> as
>>>>> it is occurring in physics, for example see:
>>>>> www.dur.ac.uk/nick.zangwill/Haeccieties.doc or 4.
>>>>>   In physics there is a huge debate over the haecceity of space-time
>>>>> and
>>>>> your result is important in this, but your attempt to argue from the
>>>>> other
>>>>> side is as treacherous because it ignores the necessity of the
>>>>> physical.
>>>>> Comp makes necessary that there is no *primitive* physicalness. But as
>>>>> David
>>>>> points in his reply, you cannot say that I ignore the physical. The
>>>>> whole
>>>>> work is an explanation of why we believe in the physical, why and how
>>>>> such
>>>>> belief emerges and are persistent, etc. Physics is entirely given by
>>>>> the
>>>>> material hypostases, which are defined by number's self-reference, as
>>>>> UDA
>>>>> shows it to be the case necessarily so.
>>>>>   This is insufficient. Merely postulating a property does not make it
>>>>> so.
>>>>> You continued intransigence on the non-existence of the physical world
>>>>> with
>>>>> statements that is shown to not be primitive is an avoidance of the
>>>>> problem
>>>>> by ignoring it, not a solution to it. The fact that is removing all
>>>>> possibility of physical implementation by a theory of Everything makes
>>>>> it
>>>>> worse than mute, it eliminates itself as a meaningful theory simply
>>>>> because,
>>>>> to be consistent, it cannot be communicated.
>>>>> Onward!
>>>>> Stephen
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