On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 1:07 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> On 11 Feb 2012, at 23:09, Joseph Knight wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Stephen P. King 
> <stephe...@charter.net>wrote:
>>     The diagram is strictly 3p. It would be helpful if you wrote up an
>> informal article on the octolism. It is very difficult to comprehend it
>> from just your discussion of the hypostases.
> I agree, this would be very helpful. I wouldn't mind if it got a little
> technical, either.
> Have you read the part 2 of sane04? (which starts at the page 12). It is a
> concise version of AUDA.

I read it, and will review it further, but I feel like I don't have a good
understanding of what's going on toward the very end of the paper (last 3-4
pages particularly). But take that with a grain of salt, since I haven't
read most of the other papers on your website, which also discuss the

> When I reread it now, I am frightened by my own style, and spelling. I
> also see little mistakes here and there. But it explains the main thing.
> To interview a universal machine about itself (at some level) makes
> necessary to describe the universal machine in its language (there is no
> miracle).  That part is usually long and tedious, but for someone capable
> of programming in some universal language (be it fortran or lisp, or
> whatever) the principle are not different from programming an interpreter
> or a compiler.  It is the writing of the code of an interpreter in the
> language of that intepreter. I often skip that part, but refer to the basic
> literature (Gödel 1931, ...).
> The more the universal system is simple, the more the translation is long
> and tedious. In case the universal system is extremely simple (like a
> universal degree 4 diophantine polynomial) the proof of universality is
> very complex (it is the Putnam-Davis-Robinson-Matiyasevitch-Jones story).
> If you can write an interpreter lisp in the language lisp, an easy task,
> you can better conceive that it is possible (and has been done) to write an
> "interpreter of arithmetic" in arithmetic.
> That is mainly the one I call "B" for Gödel's beweisbar predicate, which
> define Peano Arithmetic (say) in (Peano, Robinson)  Arithmetic.
> Beweisbar(x) is the arithmetical predicate for "x is provable", with x
> coding arithmetically a proposition. Arithmetical means that it is defined
> only with "E", f, ->, s, 0, and parenthesis).
> What is your familiarity with Gödel 1931? Gödel's original paper use
> Principia Mathematica (a formal version of a Russell typed set theory). Do
> you see the relation between Gödel numbering/beweisbar and
> programming/universal-interpreter.  Both RA and PA are sigma_1 complete, so
> you can use them as programming language, and "B" refer to Turing universal
> arithmetical predicate. But as a provability predicate, its range is
> personal and different for RA, PA, ZF, you, me, etc.
> Hmm... I might have to insist that computability is an absolute notion
> (with CT), but provability is always relative to a machine/number.
> Provability becomes universal (with respect to the computable) when it is
> Sigma_1 complete (like RA and PA). Sigma_1 complete provability is Turing
> universal, and this ease the talk on computer science, and beyond, with the
> machine.
> The (meta) theories (G, G*, S4Grz, ...) applies on all sound recursively
> enumerable extensions of Peano Arithmetic. With comp it applies to us as
> far as we are self-referentially correct, which is hard to know, especially
> when betting on a personal digital substitution level.

It's all very exciting. I have a lot of learning to do. Right now I'm doing
a lot of self study on logic, categories, toposes, sets, and so forth. Slow
but rewarding work.

> Bruno
>  http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~marchal/
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Joseph Knight

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