Hi Evgenii,

Any biological activity involves  many chemical reactions that produce
intermediate results, These reactions involve molecules whose
structure are coded in DNA, transceribed and build by RNA . The
produced protein respond to some need of the bacteria as a result of
an internal or external event.  Perhaps some food has been engulfed in
the citoplasma and there is need for protein breaking enzimes.

If you see the sequence of reactions in a piece of paper, it has the
form of an algoritm.  It does nor matter if it is executed in
paralell, and several steps are executed at different times in
different locations, but this does not change the algorithmic nature
of the process, with the memorized set of instructions, the input  the
execution machinery and the output produced.


On 29 feb, 21:08, Evgenii Rudnyi <use...@rudnyi.ru> wrote:
> How would you define "compute" in the sentence "a bacteria computes"? Is
> this similar to what happens within a computer?
> Evgenii
> On 29.02.2012 15:58 Alberto G.Corona said the following:
> > Of course they compute. Even a plant must read the imputs of
> > temperature, humidity and sun radiation to decide when sping may
> > arrive to launch the program of leaf growing and flour blossoming.
> > This computation exist because, before that,  the plants discovered
> > cycles in the weather by random mutations and natural selection, so
> > the plants with this computation could better optimize water and
> > nutrient resources and outgrown those that do not.  Without a
> > predictable linear environment, computation and thus evolution and
> > life is impossible.
> > Alberto
> > On 28 feb, 21:31, Evgenii Rudnyi<use...@rudnyi.ru>  wrote:
> >> Alberto,
> >> I am thermodynamicist and I do not know exactly what is information and
> >> computation. You have written that living beings perform computations.
> >> Several questions in this respect.
> >> Are computations are limited to living beings only?
> >> Does a bacteria perform computations as well?
> >> If yes, then what is the difference between a ballcock in the toilet and
> >> bacteria (provided we exclude reproduction from consideration)?
> >> Evgenii

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