Cells make copies of themselves.
Different cells make different copies of themselves.
Cells  come in all shapes and sizes.
Somehow these different cells are tied between themselves
 and during pregnancy process of  9 months gradually ( ! )
and by chance ( or not by chance )  they change  own
geometrical form from zygote to a child.
Cells  come in all shapes and sizes, and then . . . they are you.
Cells  they are you  ( !? )
This is modern biomechanical /chemical  point of view.
Maybe 99% agree that ‘Cells - they are you .’
But this explanation  is not complete.
Cells have an energy / electrical potential.
Cells have an electromagnetic field.
Therefore we need to say:
‘ Cells  and electromagnetic field - they are you.’
Is this formulation correct?
Of course it is correct.
Bioelectromagnetism (sometimes equated with bioelectricity)
 refers to the electrical, magnetic or electromagnetic fields
produced by living cells, tissues or organisms.


What does it mean?
It means there isn’t biological cell without electromagnetic fields.
It means that in the cell we have two ( 2 ) substances:
matter and electromagnetic fields.
And in 1985   Richard P. Feynman wrote book:
QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter

The idea of book -  the interaction between light
( electromagnetic fields ) and matter is strange.

He wrote: ‘ The theory of quantum electrodynamics
describes Nature as absurd from the point of view
of common sense. And it agrees fully with experiment.
So I hope you accept Nature as She is — absurd. ‘
/ page 10. /
Once again:
 Cells  and electromagnetic field - they are you.
We  cannot understand their interaction and therefore
we don’t know the answer to the question: ‘ who am I ?’

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