On Thu, May 3, 2012 Craig Weinberg <whatsons...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Why would focusing on one issue be a distraction from the other?

Because Human Beings do not have infinite time to deal with, so time spent
focusing on issues that Krauss correctly describes as sterile (not leading
to new ideas) is time not spent focusing on profound issues that are quite
literally infinitely more likely to give birth to new knowledge. There are
several ways to define "nothing" but if you insist it means "not even
having the potential to produce something" then contemplating the question
"why is there something rather than nothing?" is a obviously a complete
waste of time and does nothing but inflict needless ware and tear on
valuable brain cells. However it now looks like if we work very hard
science may actually be able to answer questions like "why there is stuff
and not empty space, why there is space at all, and how both stuff and
space and even the forces we measure could arise from no stuff and no
space". Those are enormously deep questions and that is where we should be
spending our limited time, not "impotent and useless" navel gazing.

> Is there some threat of the international science budget being siphoned
> off into philosophy?


> > If the nothing of a vacuum is really full of potentials,

If you insist on the strictest definition of "nothing" which is not even
the potential of producing anything, then even God Himself could not
produce something from nothing; and this line of thought is quite clearly
leading precisely nowhere.

> how is it really different from stuff?

You want to know how the potential is any different from the actual? As
Krauss says in his book (which you have not read) that's like asking how
the potential human being any random male and female have of producing
together is any different from a real flesh and blood person. Your problem
is that your brain is caught in a infinite loop trying to figure out how a
nothing without even the potential to produce something can nevertheless
produce something. If you're too busy spinning your wheels to read
Professor Krauss's book your only hope is to at least try to squeeze in a
little time to read the 2 articles I mentioned in my last post and repeat
below for your benefit, they're a sort of readers digest condensed kiddy
version of the book, but that's far better than "nothing" by any meaning of
the word.



  John K Clark

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