On May 6, 4:06 pm, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

> Newton, Boyle, Tyndall, Descarte, Laplace,
> Kepler,...none of them were from the universities, which were dominated by 
> theology.

All of them were still theological thinkers though, as were Bacon,
Copernicus, Paracelsus, the Islamic alchemists, etc. If anything, they
were more personally committed to theology than the political
bureaucracies that had been built up through the church.

> There are Christian parties, Zionist parties, and Muslim parties and Tea 
> parties, but
> there is no science party.  So it's pretty clear who is interested in power 
> and who in
> knowledge.

I wouldn't say that science is apolitical. Just as the church has
traditionally served as a cheerleader for war, academic science now
typically serves to advocate the agendas of the military industrial
complex and big business. Scientific authority is a political
instrument precisely because it is assumed to be apolitical, just as
theological authority was supposed to be.


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