On 12.05.2012 13:33 Bruno Marchal said the following:

All this is well known. Copenhagen theory, or "unique-universe" theory
are non computationalist dualist theories.
But as Shimony has shown, the idea that consciousness collapse the wave
leads to many difficulties, like non local hidden variables in physics,
or solipsism in philosophy of mind. Or even just the problem to say what
exactly is the collapse, on which all believers in collapse differ.

Computationalism and Everett (QM without collapse) have no problems in
that respect, and line up well with the everything-like use of Occam.

I listen currently to Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch. Yet, I am not convinced that Multiverse is a good explanation.

I personally consider quantum mechanics just as a model. David Deutsch does not like it, he says that instrumentalism is a bad philosophy and that we must take physical theories literally.

In general, I am disappointed by his book. His style, "I know the truth as this is a good explanation" is far away from skeptical inquiry.

After all, we know that quantum mechanics and general relativity contradict to each other. Why then to invest too much time into interpretations like Multiverse? Why it is useful?


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