On Thu, Jun 21, 2012  Stephen P. King <stephe...@charter.net> wrote:

I think that we agree that [time] transitions are occurring!

Maybe time changes as a smooth transition, maybe it's a series of discrete
jumps, it would look the same to us either way, and even if our best
instruments were a billion trillion trillion times as sensitive as they are
they still could not detect the granularity in time if it was as small as
the Plank Time level.

> we cannot think of time as just a ordered collection of entities.

I don't see why not.

> Just because we can get a from a concatenation of "physical constants"
> does not make it a physical constant.

True, but it's also true that a simple formula produces units of time
[Gh/c^5]^1/2 = 5.38 * 10-44 second. so it's not hard to imagine that there
is something special about 5.38 * 10^-44 seconds, and there is no logical
reason to think that time must be continuous, and there is little or no
experimental evidence that it is, and our best theories suddenly start
producing nonsense at times less than that; so until we have reason to
think otherwise using Occam's Razor I think our default position should be
that just like matter and energy and momentum and spin, time is not
continuous but quantized

>  >The word "Free" means that it is not forced or coerced.

Sometimes I can not do exactly what my will wants me to do, in fact usually
that is the case. Sometimes I can't do what I want because other people
prevent me and sometimes I can't do what I want (move faster than the speed
of light, walk through a brick wall, jump over a mountain) because the laws
of physics prevent me.  I see no fundamental reason why one class of
restrictions is "coercion" but the other class is not, thus "free will"
means you can't always get what you want and nobody has free will, even God
does not have free will because according to theologians God wants us to
obey him and be happy but His creations keep malfunctioning and so even He
can't always get what he wants.  He can't get no satisfaction either.

  John K Clark

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