On 13.07.2012 22:14 John Clark said the following:
On Fri, Jul 13, 2012  Evgenii Rudnyi<use...@rudnyi.ru>  wrote:

There are no experts in this field because there is no field.

The field does exist.

What does a expert on theology know about the nature of reality that
a non-expert does not?

As far as I understand, theology is about beliefs, and beliefs still play an important role, also among physicists. For example the belief in inexorable laws of nature expressed marvelously in Grand Design.

Presumably there were questions that he [Newton] had found
important. It might be interesting to understand what questions
touched him and what has happened with these questions at present.

I don't think it would be interesting at all, in fact I'd rather have
my teeth drilled than read Newton on theology. Newton was I think the
greatest genius the Human Race has yet produced, he was also vain
arrogant vindictive and completely humorless, but those are all minor
points compared with his virtues. The real tragedy was that this
colossal intellect was horribly infected with the religious meme.
This meme hijacked most of his massive mental machinery and forced it
to think and write far more about religion than about Science. Today
even Theologians admit that the many millions of words that he wrote
about The Bible are worthless, and if there is one thing Theologians
have a lot of experience with is worthless ideas. Newton advanced
Science more than any other Human Being but I think it's one of the
great tragedies of History that the rarest, most valuable quality
that has ever existed in the world was not used to full advantage.
Imagine what Newton could have accomplished if his mind had not been
caught in a infinite loop, and I blame religion for that.

On the other hand, it well might be that without his beliefs, he would not create the Newton's laws. Who knows.

In general, I do not think that bringing in ideology helps us to understand history.

The question where in physicalism numbers are located is also
interesting indeed. If you know the answer, I would appreciate it.

The number eleven is located just below green a little to the right
of big above sweet and between fast and pneumatic.

Could you offer some more meaningful picture on the relationship between mathematics and physics?


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