On Tue, Jul 24, 2012  Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> You just evade the definition of free will that I gave to you,

You're going to need to be a lot more specific than that. I'd need to use
scientific notation to count the number of definitions of the "free will"
noise I've heard over the last few months, but every single one of them
turns out to be just translations and paraphrasing of the original

 > And I don't give a damn if its "compatibilist" or "incompatibilist"
>> (whatever the hell that means),
> > Those are the standard terms used in the literature.

And the "literature" has all the intellectual depth of a child's finger
painting. The word "compatibilist" means everything happens for a reason
and "incompatibilist" means some things do not, and the "free will" noise
makes no sense under either worldview, no sense whatsoever.

> > Everything happens for a reason.

And you call me religious?! There is no law of logic that demands that must
be true, and there is considerable experimental evidence that seems to
indicates it probably is not; so for you to state the above without
qualification is nothing but a act of religious devotion.

> Again, I have to insist that I defend a notion of compatibilist free
> will. The fact that someone can determine in advance what I will do does
> NOT entails that I am not doing it with my own (free) will,

You did X because you wanted to, but you're a compatibilist so you must
believe that something caused you to want it and that something were
different you would not want it. Fine, that might even be true (although it
probably is not) but then what's the point of the "free will" noise? You
say you don't insist on the "free" in "free will" but I don't quite believe
it, if you just said "will" we wouldn't be having this debate, but you
still use it. As I've said many times I have absolutely no problem with the
word "will" because it's perfectly clear that we want some things and don't
want others, but from context I know that "free will" is supposed to mean
something more than that but I'll be damned if I know what.  All I'm saying
is that our will is in the state it is in for a reason or it is not, and to
claim otherwise is idiotic.

> This is called reductionist thinking

Reductionist thinking is the practical idea that we don't have to
understand everything to understand something, and without it there would
be no hope of knowing even approximately how the world works. If we had to
know everything to know anything we would live in perpetual ignorance.

>> Obviously we don't know what the result of a calculation will be until
>> we finish the calculation,
> >Certainly not "for all" computations, of course.

WHAT?! If you already know what the result of a calculation is what's the
point of doing the calculation?

 > From this and Good's definition, we (Me, Pooper) can show that free will
> and thus consciousness

Apparently both you and Pooper think the relationship between the "free
will" noise and consciousness is obvious, but for me it is about as far
from obvious as you can get.

> has an important role: the role of speeding up the computation in the
> environment.

If we're willing to forgo a little certainty computation in the environment
can be sped up considerably by making use of things like probability and
rules of thumb; in the real world we don't just use if X and Y then Z, we
also use if X and Y then probably Z. And induction is at least as important
as deduction maybe more so because, although nobody knows why, it is a fact
that in the real world things usually continue.

> > In some paper Good will even (re)define free will

You mean he even redefines the "free will" noise so that it actually means
something? That I'd like to see.

  John K Clark

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