On Sun, Aug 5, 2012  AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> I remain astonished why atheists defend a so particular conception of God.

And I remain astonished that so many people think the idea of God is
idiotic but still have such a strong emotional attachment to the ASCII
characters G-O-D that they insist on still using them even though they
don't even claim to know what G-O-D means.

> This confirms what I have already explained. Atheism is a variant of
> christianism.

And so "atheism" and "Christianity" now join "free will" and "God" as words
that mean absolutely positively nothing. When I tell people I'm a atheist I
might as well just burp at them or tell them I'm a teapot for all it will
inform them about what I think.

> They defend the same conception of God than the Christians, as you do all
> the time.

Yes, Christians and I do have one thing in common, we both think that it
might be good if words mean something. Otherwise when I say I don't believe
in God I wouldn't even know what it is I don't believe. And I also have the
same conception of Santa Claws as small children do, the only difference
between us is that they think he exists and I don't.

> Note that philosophers use often the term "God" in the general and
> original sense of theology:

Maybe that's part of the reason philosophers no longer do philosophy and
haven't found anything important in a thousand years or so.

> as being, by definition, the transcendental cause of everything.

Cause? If its still involved with cause and effect then I don't see what
makes it transcendental; if it’s a cause we should be able to perform
experiments on God just like any other aspect of our world; assuming of
course that God exists.

> I have already told you that God is supposed to be responsible for our
> existence; which is not the case for the bulldozer.

Excellent! Apparently I've convinced you that words should actually mean
something, it may not be very close to what most people mean by the word
"God" but at least you mean something. So now that I know what we're
talking about and "God" is not "a force greater than myself" I can now say
that I no longer think a bulldozer is God and I now know that my parents
were God.

> I am agnostic

Technically I suppose I too am agnostic about a omnipotent omniscient
conscious being that created the universe but you've got to decide how to
live your life and emotionally I'm a atheist because, although I can't
prove that He does not exist, I think I can prove that God is just silly.
Beliefs are a emotional state and nobody believes only in things he can
prove, and even more important nobody believes in things they think are

  John K Clark

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