On Tue, Aug 21, 2012  benjayk <benjamin.jaku...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> In this post I present an example of a problem that we can (quite easily)
> solve, yet a computer can't, even in principle, thus showing that our
> intelligence transcends that of a computer. [...]
> Is the following statement true?
> 'This statement can't be confirmed to be true solely by utilizing a
> computer'

The following statement is without question true:

"Benjamin Jakubik cannot consistently assert this sentence"

A computer would have no difficulty in asserting this true statement, in
fact every one of you is looking at a computer  now doing that simple task
right now, and yet there is no logical paradox that threatens to tear the
universe apart; and yet a human being,  Benjamin Jakubik, is unable to
perform this task, a task that even the smallest computer can do with

  John K Clark

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