On Monday, September 17, 2012 1:20:10 PM UTC-4, Terren Suydam wrote:
> Stephen - the Matrix video is a faithful interpretation of comp, but 
> Craig's story is not, unless he includes the crucial narrative - that 
> of the simulated Craig eating the simulated meal. I expect Craig to 
> say that the simulated Craig, the one making the yummy noises, is a 
> zombie, 

There is no simulated Craig. There is only an animated menu being 
interpreted by Craig as a simulation of himself. I'm demonstrating that the 
idea of there even being a zombie is superfluous. The map is not the 
territory. There is no such thing in a concrete and absolute sense as a 
map. The map is a subjective interpretation of interacting territories. A 
map is only a piece of paper with ink unless you assume a map reader. (It's 
not even that of course, since paper and ink are only concretely real to 
other large assemblies of molecules).

> and has no actual experience or inner narrative. He is 
> entitled of course to that position. He is just saying no to the 
> doctor. 

These words have no actual experience or inner narrative. If a doctor 
wanted me to replace my brain with these words, yes I would say no.


> Terren 
> On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 12:32 PM, Stephen P. King 
> <step...@charter.net<javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > On 9/16/2012 9:29 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote: 
> >> 
> >> Background: After refusing to serve Bruno's brother in law with the 
> >> simulated brain at my restaurant, I decide to make peace by inviting 
> myself 
> >> to go along with Brother in law B1ll to his favorite restaurant. 
> >> 
> >> "It's the best in the city!", says B1ll. 
> >> 
> >> "That sounds great, because I am really hungry.", I reply anxiously. 
> >> 
> >> When we arrive we find a dark, silent building, full of empty seats. 
> B1ll 
> >> gestures for me to sit which I do and, it suddenly sounds like a 
> restaurant. 
> >> I hear sizzling and clanking for the kitchen and suddenly a waiter 
> appears, 
> >> offering me a menu. Just as I notice that the waiter bears a curious 
> >> resemblance to Bruno, I wonder why he has not given B1ll a menu too. 
> >> 
> >> "I've already ordered", says B1ll. 
> >> 
> >> I look down at the menu, but I see only one item on it. It is called 
> "The 
> >> thing that you want to order". Wow. This is impressive. I look up and 
> notice 
> >> that what the waiter's nametag says. 
> >> 
> >> "Ok, Brun-0, you win. I'll have a number not-not-one, with everything 
> on 
> >> it." 
> >> 
> >> "Coming right up, monsieur. Would you like Löbian salad or Gödelian 
> soup 
> >> with that? The umlauts are excellent this time of year" 
> >> 
> >> "Sure" 
> >> 
> >> "Voila", Brun-0 exclaims. 
> >> 
> >> Seeing the confusion on my face, he gestures at the menu in my hand 
> with a 
> >> gracefully circular extension of his fingers, over and over, rotating 
> in 
> >> space hypnotically, until I realize that he wants me to turn the menu 
> over. 
> >> 
> >> On the back of the menu is a beautiful HD video screen, which pops into 
> >> life with a movie of someone sitting at...Hey!! It's Me! 
> >> 
> >> It's a movie of me, rendered so perfectly it looks absolutely real. I 
> am 
> >> being served a giant silver domed platter, which is removed to unveil a 
> >> beautiful...menu. The camera pans down the gorgeous menu of sumptuous 
> >> sounding descriptions of food. As the camera zooms into a closeup on 
> the 
> >> calligraphy, it can be seen that each culinary turn of phrase is 
> constructed 
> >> of beautifully written formulas and equations like G and Gp where p is 
> >> delicious and G = emulated gustatory resource and p = Non-regurgitation 
> >> parameters'. 
> >> 
> >> To my surprise, I now witness myself in the movie pick a fork and knife 
> >> and begin eating the menu and thoroughly enjoying every bite. I seem to 
> be 
> >> making the exact yummy sounds and faces that I would expect. 
> >> 
> >> Turning to B1ll, I ask, 
> >> 
> >> "What did you order?" 
> >> 
> >> "I already ate.", he replies. 
> >> 
> >> As I look down at my clean plate and remember the great meal that I 
> just 
> >> had, I feel unusually satisfied. Curiously I can't remember exactly 
> what it 
> >> was that I ate, but I no reason to care. I can't care. I believe that I 
> must 
> >> have eaten exactly what I wanted. 
> >> 
> >> Craig 
> > 
> >     Check out the Matrix version of this story: 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7BuQFUhsRM 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Onward! 
> > 
> > Stephen 
> > 
> > http://webpages.charter.net/stephenk1/Outlaw/Outlaw.html 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
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