Hi Roger,

Another way to express my view is

subjective = a priori = autonomous = the chooser

Yes. Both the chooser, and the one selected (but not the selector). It is also the knower. The soul is the knower of its own conscience/ consciousness. The man is when the soul believing it has a body (which might be locally true with respect of the probable computational histories in their neighborhoods).

objective = a posteriori = possible choices


Responses in ******

We're pretty much aligned.

I think so (except perhaps on Jesus, but we can come back on this later ... I don't think it is so important, now)

Perhaps I should interpret your monad by person, simply. Or
generalized person.

************* No, each person has his own monad, his own corporeal body.
They're all different.

The Universal Soul, the Inner God, the Knower can leave their bodies (in comp).

Substances are all different.
A generalized person would be an idea or abstraction.
Ideas are all inhabitants of  Platonia.
A particular person is an inhabitant of Contingia.

I am not sure. For two reasons:

1) with comp it seems that there is a universal person, abstract, perhaps, but completely conscious. Like you, me, and the jumping spider. 2) most people on (good dose of) salvia divinorum, (a powerful dissociative psychedelic plant), get *completely* amnesic. They report the lost of all the memories of anything particular about them, including the memory of having once own a body, immersed in space and time. Yet, they report to remain *completely* conscious, like out of time, like out of anything (any thing). With lesser dose, you just dissociate, that is you keep the memories, but you don't believe or associate with them any more (for a period of 4m, the experience is short lived).

With comp (assuming no flaws, etc.) things goes like this (roughly


and then only ===> PARTICULAR DREAMS SHARING (physical realities).
**** Good.  We're pretty much aligned. This has been very helpful.

Haha! Yes, you confirm some of my feelings, notably, to be short, that christians are, conceptually, much more closer to comp (and Plato, Plotinus, probably Leibniz, even Descartes when read by taking the context into account) than the atheists, the naturalists and the (even weak) materialists who eliminate persons, not just in books, but in their everyday life, as I am witnessing again and again. pfff...

BTW, I suggest everyone to look at Korean movies (on Youtube, you can find a lot), as their culture shows some harmonic (with nice gentle dissonances) relationship between christianity and buddhism. By far my favorite is "Hello Ghost", which is, btw and imho, a perfect allegory of the salvia divinorum experience, including the so- called breakthrough. It is a typical movie that you can appreciate to see twice (and don't read the YouTube comments the first time, as some some spoils the story!).




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