On 24 Oct 2012, at 22:20, meekerdb wrote:

On 10/24/2012 11:58 AM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

2012/10/23 Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be>

On 22 Oct 2012, at 21:50, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

2012/10/22 Stephen P. King <stephe...@charter.net>
On 10/22/2012 2:38 AM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

2012/10/22 Russell Standish <li...@hpcoders.com.au>
On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 11:38:46PM -0400, Stephen P. King wrote:
> Hi Rusell,
>     How does Schmidhuber consider the physicality of resources?
> --
> Onward!
> Stephen

No. The concept doesn't enter consideration. What he considers is that the Great Programmer has finite (or perhaps bounded resources), which
gives an additional boost to algorithms that run efficiently.

that´s the problem that I insist, has a natural solution considering the computational needs of living beings under natural selection, without resorting to a everithing-theory of reality based of a UD algorithm, like the Schmidhuber one.
Dear Alberto,

My suspicion is that there does not exist a single global computation of the behavior of living (or other) beings and that "natural selection" is a local computation between each being and its environment. We end up with a model where there are many computations occurring concurrently and there is no single computation that can dovetail all of them together such that a picture of the universe can be considered as a single simulation running on a single computer except for a very trivial case (where the total universe is in a bound state and at maximum equilibrium).

Yes, that'`s also what I think. These computations are material, in the sense that they are subject to limitation of resources (nervous signal speeds, chemical equilibrion, diffusion of hormones etc. So the bias toward a low kolmogorov complexity of an habitable universe can be naturally deduced from that.

Natural selection is the mechanism for making discoveries, individual life incorporate these discoveries, called adaptations. A cat that jump to catch a fish has not discovered the laws of newton, Instead, the evolution has found a way to modulate the force exerted by the muscles according with how long the jump must be, and depending on the weight of the cat (that is calibrated by playing at at the early age).

But this technique depends on the lineality and continuity of the law of newton for short distances. If the law of newton were more complicated, that would not be possible. So a low complexity of the macroscopical laws permit a low complexity and a low use of resources of the living computers that deal with them, and a faster dsicovery of adaptations by natural selection. But that complexity has a upper limit; Lineality seems to be a requirement for the operation of natural selection in the search for adaptations.


I kind of agree with all what you say here, and on the basic philosophy. But I think that what you describe admits a more general description, in which the laws of physics are themselves selected by a process similar but more general than evolution. It makes me think that life (and brains at some different level) is what happen when a universal system mirrors itself. A universal machine is a dynamical mirror, and life can develop once you put the dynamical mirror in front of itself (again a case of diagonalization). I think I follow your philosophy, but apply it in arithmetic and/or computer science.

I envision also a kind of selection of the mind over the matter , since the most basic notion of existence implies and observer, that is,a mind and a mind, in a universe where history has a meaning (that discard boltzmann brains) , and hold a kind of intelligence (since intelligence permits to make use of experience) impose very strong antropic restrictions not only in the nature of the phisical laws, as I said, but in the matematicity of them. With matematicity i mean a reuse of the same simple structures at different levels of reality. I mean that the most simple mathematical structures are more represented in the structure of reality than complicated ones, to minimize the complexity.

But aren't those all the same conclusions that would arise from assuming that mathematics and physical laws are our inventions for describing and reasoning about the world and they are simple because that makes them understandable; they reflect our limited cognitive ability to think about only a few things at a time. Notice that physics, as it has become more mathematical and abstract, has left more and more to contingency and the randomness of QM. So physicists no longer propose to answer, "Why are there just eight planets?" or "Why is there a Moon?"

Now I am just afraid, to talk frankly, that it looks like you have a reductionist conception of numbers and machines, which does not take into account the discovery of the universal machine (by the Post-Church-Kleene-Turing thesis) which makes you miss that your philosophy might be the natural philosophy of all universal numbers. (I probably exaggerate my point for attempt to be short).

I do not discard your point of view. the difference is that I go the easy path, from inside to outside, in a cartesian process, may call it, So my interest is centered not in a simple production principle, and explain the human experience from it, but to go from consciousness (with some leaps of faith) out to ascertain the nature of what is known with the aid of some hopefully testable hypotheses. To go in the opposite direction i need a kind of understanding and inspiration that I don´t have. I perhaps need a kind of leap in imagination to see the big picture, but my natural selectionist bias force me to think that there would be no intellgence without purpose, and no purpose without environmnetal pressure, that is impossible without an environment, and a environment impossible without a preexistent matter, with preexistent laws. So a universal machine seems to me the inmaterial equivalent of a boltzman brain, made with no purpose, for no purpose and this devoid of meaning, with little to understand about it...

If you're going to explain purpose, meaning, qualia, thoughts,...you need to start from something simpler that does not assume those things. Bruno proposes to explain matter as well, so he has to start without matter.

Actually I deduce the absence of matter from comp. If we bet on comp, we have no other choice than to explain matter from dream coherence notions. We can add matter, but it would be like invisible horses, and vision is a first person experience and it relies on the infinities of computation in arithmetic.

If you are with John Clark, and me, on comp, then you have to show a flaw in UDA if you disagree with this. At least Clark tells us where he stops in UDA (step 3, too bad nobody understands his point, which seems an obvious confusion of 1 and 3-views).

I think you did follow the UDA up to step seven. Is it really the step 8 which still makes problem? It is a bit more subtle, some people have some difficulty there. Let us discuss them, or find where we disagree at least.

Oh yes, I remember that you did agree once with the 323 principle, but I forget what is your problem with the movie-graph/step-8, then. If you find the time, I am please if you can elaborate. I think Russell too is not yet entirely convinced.


The web of this world is woven of Necessity and Chance.  Woe to
him who has accustomed himself from his youth up to find
something necessary in what is capricious, and who would ascribe
something like reason to Chance and make a religion of
surrendering to it.
   -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Unless some restrictions of resources, pruposes etc are aplied, that is a selection process.....

We can already talk with the "Löbian numbers". I already recognize myself. I already don't take them as zombie. It does not matter that the talk admits a local atemporal description. Arithmetic is full of life and dreams

And if we limit ourselves, non constructively (it is the price) to the *arithmetically sound* Löbian numbers, we get an arithmetical interpretation of a platonist conception of reality. Decidable on its propositional parts.

In that conception physics is the border of the universal mind, which by assuming comp, might be the mind of the universal machine.

Can that philosophy helps to solve the 1p measure problems, or guide us in the "human" interpretation of the arithmetical interpretation? Hard to say. Plausible. There will be different methods, and insight.



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