2012/11/9 John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com>

> On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 11:56 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>  >> Or? OR?!! Bruno Marchal just said the Helsinki man will survive in
>>> two examples, in M AND in W"; and now Bruno Marchal is asking if the
>>> Helsinki man will survive in M OR W. It makes no sense!
> >  Confusion between 1-view and 3-view.
> You said the Helsinki man will survive in two examples, in M AND in W. and
> then ask if the Helsinki man will survive in M OR W; so who's the one
> that's really confused around here?
>> > > The Moscow man can see a continuous trajectory from being the
>>> Helsinki man to now being the Moscow man and the same is true of the
>>> Washington man, so the Helsinki man has obviously been duplicate
>> > But not his first person perspective.
> PRONOUNS SUCK!  Who the hell does "his" refer to?  For that matter what
> exactly is the Helsinki man? You said " the body read in Helsinki is
> annihilated", I think the man still exists in Washington and Moscow and I
> thought you did too but apparently not because of various peeing issues you
> are unable to communicate coherently.  You were not satisfied with the
> testimony of either the Washington or Moscow man and don't want to hear
> what they have to say, you want to know about "his first person
> perspective". Nobody is experiencing Helsinki anymore so I repeat my
> question, who is "his"? After this experiment is concluded who's testimony
> would convince you that you have received correct infirmation about "his
> first person perspective"?
> > Define "bruno marchal", and "john Clark".
> First define "define".
> > The 3-I is well known to be definable by the Dx = "xx" trick,
> I have to inform you that "the Dx = "xx" trick" is NOT well known to me
> and I don't know what you're talking about.
>  >> So what's the problem?
>> > To evaluate your chance, in helsinki,  to later feel to be the W or the
>> M man after the duplication is done
> > You forget to mention that the question was: where will you feel.
> You forgot to mention where who will feel.

Stop being stupid... just do the role play put "*yourself now* the fu..ing
John Clark who is answering the email", play that game, imagine  "*yourself
now* the fu..ing John Clark who is answering the email" pushing on a button
that will duplicate "*yourself now* the fu..ing John Clark who is answering
the email" and an experimenter asking where "*yourself now* the fu..ing
John Clark who is answering the email" will feel to be... obviously
"*yourself now* the fu..ing John Clark who is answering the email" will not
feel to be both W and M Alain Delon... but both W and M will remember to be
"*yourself now* the fu..ing John Clark who is answering the email" ==> 1p


>  > You can do the thought experiment  in a setting where in Helsinki you
>> take some drug so that you become amnesic, and don't know more who you are.
> That's 4 yous in just 28 words, a new record.  PRONOUNS SUCK!!
> > ?
> !
>   John K Clark
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All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

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