Perhaps the Quantum Suicide experiment has already been performed and on a
global scale. After Hugh Everett developed the many Worlds interpretation
in his doctoral dissertation he was disappointed at the poor reception it
received and never published anything on quantum mechanics again for the
rest of his life; instead he became a Dr. Strangelove type character making
computer nuclear war games and doing grim operational research for the
pentagon about armageddon.

Despite his knowledge of the horrors of a nuclear war Everett, like most of
his fellow cold warrior colleagues in the 50's and 60's, thought the
probability of Thermonuclear war happening was very high and he thought it
would probably happen very soon. Although there is no record of it I wonder
if Everett used anthropic reasoning and privately deduced that the fact
that we live in a world where such a very likely war has not in fact
happened was more confirmation that his Many Worlds idea was right. And I
must say that it is odd, if you told me right after Nagasaki that in 68
years nuclear weapons would not be used again in anger I would have said
you were nuts. Perhaps we are in a bizarrely rare offshoot universe where
World War 3 never happened.

  John K Clark

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