Here very briefly is how Leibniz might explain morphic resonance and the 
presence of the past.  
in terms of his monadology. For that, see : 

I am not a marxist.  

1. Each substance or simple body has a physical representation in the 
phenomenol world  
and a mental representation called a monad in the mental world. (This is 

2. The monads are closely related to morphisms. Each monad has within it a  
homunculus (so that the monadology is throughly anthropomorphic),  
representing roughly Aristotle's levels of being, some complete (man) , some 
primitive (a rock).  

3. Also within each monad are a stack of "perceptions", which are not 
conventional perceptions (seen directly  
by the monad) but are snapshots given it in a rapid series of updates by the 
Supreme Monad (God or the One).  

4. These perceptions reflect all of the perceptions of the other monads (from 
own perspectives) in the universe, which is made up entirely of monads. So it's 
a holographic universe.  

5. The stack of past perceptions in each monad are its memory. Each contains a 
snapshot of the  
entire universe of other monads.  

6. Leibniz does not (so far I know) go into the past with any monad, but  
each monad also contains a stack of "appetites", which are what the monad 
at any instant. If there is a connection between the perceptions and the 
the monad would inform the homunculus to repeat the past. Here's your habits.  

In all the universe of monads acts like a computer program with the  
Supreme Monad as its central processing unit.  

[Roger Clough], []  
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." - Woody Allen

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