Hi meekerdb 

Lead me to the proof.

----- Receiving the following content ----- 
From: meekerdb 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2013-01-19, 15:22:30
Subject: Re: Holy Smokes ! Automobile exhausts are causing polar icecapstoalso 
melt on Mars, Jupiter and Pluto

On 1/19/2013 3:52 AM, Roger Clough wrote: 
Hi meekerdb  

IMHO the default position is that somebody has yet to prove that 
man's activities are warming the earth. 

A 'default position' is one taken in a state of ignorance.  If you're still 
ignorant of the evidence and the consensus of 99% of the world's climate 
scientists that's your own fault.

Or even that the earth is 
warming beyond statistical possibility. Consider this data :

Yes, I see that vertical red line at 0, which is really out of date since at 
'now' it would be off this graph at 394ppm


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