One of the most fascinating areas of research in the field of holography is 
holographic memory. Computers use a binary code, a pattern of ones and zeroes 
that is translated into an electronic pulse, but holographic memory would 
extend the capabilities of computer memory systems. Unlike most images, a 
hologram is not
 simply the sum of its constituent parts: the data in a holo-graphic image is 
contained in 
every part of the image, meaning that part of the image can be destroyed 
without a loss of data.  
To bring the story full-circle, holographic memory calls to mind an idea 
advanced by a scientist who, 
along with Huygens, was one of Newton's great professional rivals, German 
mathematician and 
philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716). 


Few of Leibniz's ideas were more bizarre than that of the monad: an elementary 
particle of existence that reflected the whole of the universe.  
In advancing the concept of a monad, Leibniz was not making a statement after 
the manner of a scientist: there was no proof that monads existed, 
nor was it possible to prove this in any scientific way. Yet, a hologram 
appears to be very much like a manifestation of Leibniz's imagined monads, a
nd both the hologram and the monad relate to a more fundamental aspect of life: 
human memory. Neurological research in the late twentieth century 
suggested that the structure of memory in the human mind is holo-graphic. Thus, 
for instance, a patient suffering an injury affecting 90% of the 
brain experiences only a 10% memory loss.  "

Dr. Roger Clough NIST (ret.) 3/6/2013  
"Coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous." 
- Albert Einstein

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