Smolin believes in a multiverse else his fecund cosmology makes no sense.

On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 5:17 AM, Roger Clough <> wrote:

>  *The views of Lee Smolin as opposed to those of *
> *    the Platonist, Leibniz *
> A. Leibniz would agree with these views of Smolin:
> A1.  QM is unfinished.
> A2. Time is not well understood. Leibniz did
>     not think of time as substantial or time as flowing,
>     it is just an indexed sequence of events.
> A3.  There is no multiverse, only the universe.
> B. Leibniz would disagree with Smolin on these issues:
> B1. Smolin believes that computationalism is false (because there cannot
>      be internal isomorphisms. Here the issue of Leibniz's
>      pre-established harmony might be challenged. Hmmm).
> B2. Smolin is not a Platonist. (Leibniz was.)
> "Lee Smolin's view on the nature of time:
>     "More and more, I have the feeling that quantum theory and general 
> relativity are both
> *deeply wrong about the nature of time.*
>  It is not enough to combine them. There is a deeper
> problem, perhaps going back to the beginning of physics."[11]
> Smolin does not believe that quantum mechanics is a "final theory":
>     "I am convinced that quantum mechanics is not a final theory. I believe 
> this because
> I have never encountered an interpretation of the present formulation of 
> quantum mechanics
> that makes sense to me. I have studied most of them in depth and thought hard 
> about them,
> and in the end I still can't make real sense of quantum theory as it 
> stands."[12]
> In a 2009 article, Smolin has articulated the following philosophical views 
> (the sentences in italics are quotations):
>     *There is only one universe [I agree. RBC.** ]*There are no others, nor 
> is there anything isomorphic to it.
> Smolin denies the existence of a "timeless" multiverse. Neither other 
> universes
> nor copies of our universe — within or outside —
> exist.[clarification needed] No copies can
> exist within the universe, because no subsystem can
> model precisely the larger system it is a part of. No copies can exist outside
> the universe, because the universe is by definition all there is. *
> This principle also *
> *rules out the notion **
> of a mathematical object isomorphic in every respect to the *
> *history of the entire universe [computationalism - L would disagree. *
> *due to his concept of Pre-established Harmony. RBC], a notion more 
> metaphysical than scientific.
> *
>     All that is real is real in a moment, which is a succession of moments. 
> Anything that
> is true is true of the present moment. Not only is time real, but everything 
> that is real is
> situated in time. *Nothing exists timelessly [I disagree. This rules out
> Platonism, which Leibniz and I believe in. *
> *L also b elieved that time as not real, only an indexed set of
> situations.  RBC]. *
> *
> *    *[The following paragraph is in accord with Leibniz, except that L
> held that only ideas are real  - RBC]*
> Everything that is real in a moment is a process of change leading to the 
> next or
> future moments. Anything that is true is then a feature of a process in this 
> process causing or implying
>  future moments. This principle incorporates the notion that time is an 
> aspect of causal relations.
> A reason for asserting it is that anything that existed for just one moment, 
> without causing or implying
> some aspect of the world at a future moment, would be gone in the next 
> moment. Things that
> persist must be thought of as processes leading to newly changed processes.
> An atom at one moment is a process leading to a different or a changed atom 
> at the next moment.
>     Mathematics is derived from experience as a generalization of observed 
> regularities, when time and particularity
> are removed. Under this heading, Smolin distances himself from mathematical 
> platonism
> *[ Leibniz and I are Platonists- RBC] , *
> and gives his reaction to Eugene Wigner's "The Unreasonable Effectiveness of 
> Mathematics in the Natural Sciences".
> He also opposes the anthropic principle, which he claims "cannot help us to 
> do science."[13] [See
> below]
> He also advocates “principles for an open future”
> which he claims underlie the work of both healthy scientific communities and
> democratic societies: “(1) When rational argument from public evidence 
> suffices
> to decide a question, it must be considered to be so decided. (2) When 
> rational argument from public
> evidence does not suffice to decide a question, the community must encourage 
> a diverse range of
> viewpoints and hypotheses consistent with a good-faith attempt to develop 
> convincing public evidence.”
> (Time Reborn p 265.)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The Anthropic Principle
> " The *anthropic principle* (from the Greek, *anthropos*, human) is the 
> philosophical
> consideration <>
> that observations of the physical 
> Universe<>must be compatible with the
> conscious <> 
> life<>that observes it.
> Some proponents of the anthropic principle reason that it explains why the
> Universe has the age <> and
> the
> fundamental physical 
> constants<>necessary
>  to accommodate conscious life. As a result, they believe it is
> unremarkable that the universe's fundamental constants happen to fall
> within the narrow range thought to be compatible with 
> life<>
> .[1] <>"
> *[I hvae no problem personally with the AP, not sure as of the moment
> about L's  view.  RBC]*
> Dr. Roger Clough NIST (ret.) 6/18/2013
> See my Leibniz site at
>  **
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