Hi Chaotic Inflation  

More liberal so-called "science." These are the nut-jobs that 
gave us CO2 as the cause of global warming.
Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (ret.) [1/1/2000]
See my Leibniz site at

----- Receiving the following content -----  
From:  Chaotic Inflation  
Time: 2013-08-05, 04:43:42 
Subject: Re: Re: Re: [Theoretical_Physics] Re: 
[4DWorldx]Fw:Re:Re:[Theoretical_Physics_Board] OK, but think about this 

>Suicide[edit source | editbeta] 
>See also: Let Them Eat Prozac 
>The FDA requires all antidepressants to carry a black box warning stating that 
>antidepressants may increase the risk of suicide in people younger than 25. 
>This warning is based on statistical analyses conducted by two independent 
>groups of the FDA experts that found a 2-fold increase of the suicidal 
>ideation and behavior in children and adolescents, and 1.5-fold increase of 
>suicidality in the 18–24 age group. The suicidality was slightly decreased for 
>those older than 24, and statistically significantly lower in the 65 and older 
>group.[41][42][43] This analysis was criticized by Donald Klein, who noted 
>that suicidality, that is suicidal ideation and behavior, is not necessarily a 
>good surrogate marker for completed suicide, and it is still possible that 
>antidepressants may prevent actual suicide while increasing suicidality.[44] 
>There is less data on fluoxetine than on antidepressants as a whole. For the 
>above analysis on the antidepressant level, the FDA had to combine the results 
>of 295 trials of 11 antidepressants for psychiatric indications to obtain 
>statistically significant results. Considered separately, fluoxetine use in 
>children increased the odds of suicidality by 50%,[45] and in adults decreased 
>the odds of suicidality by approximately 30%.[42][43] Similarly, the analysis 
>conducted by the UK MHRA found a 50% increase of odds of suicide-related 
>events, not reaching statistical significance, in the children and adolescents 
>on fluoxetine as compared to the ones on placebo. According to the MHRA data, 
>for adults fluoxetine did not change the rate of self-harm and statistically 
>significantly decreased suicidal ideation by 50%.[46][47] 
>David Healy is an Irish psychiatrist who is a professor in Psychological 
>Medicine at Cardiff University School of Medicine, Wales. He is also the 
>director of North Wales School of Psychological Medicine. He became the centre 
>of controversy concerning the influence of the pharmaceutical industry on 
>medicine and academia. For most of his career Healy has held the view that 
>Prozacand SSRIs (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors) can lead to suicide 
>and has been critical of the amount of ghost writing in the current scientific 
>literature. Healy's views led to what has been termed “The Toronto Affair” 
>which was, at its core, a debate aboutacademic freedom. 
>Contents  [hide]  
> * 1 Background and research 
> * 2 SSRIs, suicide and Healy 
> * 2.1 Does Prozac cause suicide? 
> * 2.2 Lilly’s knowledge of Prozac and suicide 
> * 2.3 Tobin vs. SmithKline 
> * 3 Healy’s healthy volunteer study 
> * 4 Toronto affair 
> * 4.1 Lecture 
> * 4.2 Aftermath 
> * 5 Ghost writing 
> * 6 Solutions 
> * 7 Editorial board membership 
> * 8 Books 
> * 9 Resources 
> * 10 See also 
> * 11 References 
> * 12 External links 
>Background and research[edit source | editbeta] 
>Healy was born in Raheny, Dublin. He completed an MD in neuroscience and 
>studied psychiatry during a clinical research fellowship at Cambridge 
>University Clinical School. In 1990, Healy became a Senior Lecturer in 
>Psychological Medicine at North Wales. In 1996 he became a Reader in 
>Psychological Medicine, then later became Professor. His current research 
>interests at Cardiff University include: cognitive functioning in affective 
>disorders and psychoses as well as circadian rhythms in affective disorders, 
>recovery in psychoses and physical health of people with mental illness. 
>He also heads the psychiatric inpatient unit at Bangor, North Wales, where 
>treatments include electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and psychiatric 
>medication.[1] Healy has authored a number of books and is an expert on the 
>history and development ofpsychopharmacology. He co-authored a book, History 
>of Convulsive Therapy with Edward Shorter. Healy’s work, particularly his 
>histories of psychopharmacology, influenced Charles Barber's book Comfortably 
>Numb: How Psychiatry Is Medicating a Nation. 
>SSRIs, suicide and Healy[edit source | editbeta] 
>Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are used to treat major 
>depression. At one time it was hypothesized that depression was due to low 
>levels of serotonin in the brain and that antidepressants increased this 
>level.[2] But this theory was discredited by Ashcroft who showed that 
>depression is not associated with or caused by a lowering of serotonin.[3] 
>Today, serotonin levels can be measured by 5-HT imaging with Positron emission 
>tomography (PET) imaging[4][5] as well as measuringtryptophan plasma levels. 
>Prozac is a well known commercial brand of SSRI. In the 1970s Bryan Molloy at 
>Eli Lilly and Company created a phenoxyphenyl-propylamines termed LY-94949 but 
>it could not be easily dissolved so David Wong reformulated it as a chloride 
>salt and it was renamed LY-110140. Then on September 1, 1975 it was first 
>called fluoxetine and then later marketed under the name Prozac. Prozac was 
>launched in the United States and Canada in 1988 and in the United Kingdom in 
>Soon after its launch there was a large debate on whether or not Prozac was 
>related to suicide. 
>Does Prozac cause suicide?[edit source | editbeta] 
>The debate was started by Martin Teicher from Harvard when they published an 
>article in the American Journal of Psychiatry in 1990. The article outlined 
>six individual cases of people who had become preoccupied with thoughts of 
>suicide after being prescribed Prozac. 
>Eli Lilly was quick to respond with a contradictory article by Charles Beasley 
>and colleagues from Eli Lilly that examined evidence from 3,065 patients of 
>which 1,700 had been put on Prozac. The authors concluded that there was no 
>evidence for individuals taking Prozac to have a higher rate of suicide than 
>those taking placebo. 
>In his book, Let Them Eat Prozac, Healy points out several flaws in the 
>Beasley experiment. In Healy’s view the entire experimental analysis rested on 
>one question from the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale which is too 
>insensitive to accurately measure suicidality. 
>The question reads: 
>“This past week, have you had any thoughts that life is not worth living, or 
>that you’d be better off dead? What about thoughts of hurting or even killing 
>There are four choices from which the patient can choose: 1) has made a 
>serious suicide attempt, 2) has clear suicidal ideas or gestures, 3) wished he 
>were dead or any thoughts of possible death, 4) feels life is not worth living 
>or absent. The problem that Healy has with this that the “Raters rate in a 
>global way. If a patient is improving raters whiz through an interview, often 
>completing the scale afterward in a manner that indicates a general 
>improvement in the overall score. If some aspects of the patient’s condition 
>are improving – which they might even when the patient is becoming suicidal – 
>raters often won’t bother asking the suicide question.” 
>A second problem with that rating system is that if a significant number of 
>people improve, their scores will drown out the noise being produced by 
>patients who have worsened. 
>The debate centered around the question of which was more important, a handful 
>of individual cases or a large randomized control trial. Healy believes that 
>Prozac induces suicide. His comments in 1994 in CNS Drugs are often misquoted. 
>Healy wrote that “data from several thousand patients must on any scientific 
>scale outweigh the dubious evidence of a handful of case reports.” However, 
>according to Healy this was a “piece of irony” and the “article came down 
>firmly on the side of saying that Prozac did cause suicide” In addition Healy 
>believes that the problem could be managed with proper warnings:[6] 
>"The best management of such reactions will involve counselling patients 
>beforehand about the possibility of these reactions, stopping treatment with 
>the agents if such a reaction is suspected, or adding an agent with 5-HT1A 
>antagonistic properties (e.g. propranolol) to the treatment regimen." 
>Lilly’s knowledge of Prozac and suicide[edit source | editbeta] 
>In Let them Eat Prozac, Healy presents evidence that Eli Lilly already knew in 
>1986 that patients taking Prozac attempted more suicides than patients taking 
>other anti-depressants or a placebo. A memo from Barbara von Keitz, who was 
>working in Germanyfor Eli Lilly, was sent to Joachim Wernicke at Eli Lilly 
>Headquarters in Indianapolis. A result of a clinical trial showed that 
>patients taking Prozac had a suicide attempt rate of 10 per 1000 but those 
>patients randomized to other anti-depressants (imipramine,amitriptyline, 
>doxepin or mainserin) had a rate of only 1.5 per 1000. Placebo patients had 
>varying rates of 6, 4.3 or 1 per 1000. 
>The varying placebo rate is due to suicide attempts during the washout period 
>being placed in the placebo groups. Healy sees this experimental method as 
>“highly inappropriate”. There are two appropriate ways to respond. One is to 
>count only the five suicide attempts in the placebo group which would give a 
>rate of 4.3/1000. The second is to count all the patients that went into 
>clinical trials as placebo which would give a rate of 1.0/1000. 
>Signs of violence and suicidality had been there since Prozac was tested in 
>premarketing trials. 
>In May 1984, Germany’s regulatory agency (BGA) rejected Prozac as “totally 
>unsuitable for treating depression.”[7] In July 1985,Eli Lilly’s own data 
>analysis—from a pool of 1,427 patients—showed high incidence of adverse drug 
>effects and evidence of drug-induced violence in some patients.[8] In May 
>1985, FDA’s (then) chief safety investigator, Dr. Richard Kapit, wrote: 
>“Unlike traditional tricyclic antidepressants fluoxetine’s profile of adverse 
>side effects more closely resembles that of a stimulant drug than one that 
>causes sedation.” He warned “It is fluoxetine’s particular profile of adverse 
>side-effects which may perhaps, in the future give rise to the greatest 
>clinical liabilities in the use of this medication to treat depression.”[9] 
>Dr. Kapit’s safety review described the clinical trial data from 46 trials 
>with a total of 1,427 patients. He noted under the section, “Catastrophic and 
>Serious Events,” 52 cases of “egregiously abnormal laboratory reports which 
>were the reason for early termination,” and “additional adverse event reports 
>not reported by the company [which] were revealed on microfiche.” Dr. Kapit 
>reported: “In most cases, these adverse events involved the onset of an 
>unreported psychotic episode.” There were 10 reports of psychotic episodes; 2 
>reports of completed suicides; 13 attempted suicides; 4 seizures—including a 
>healthy volunteer; and 4 reports of movement disorders. 
>In 1985 Dr. Kapit recommended “labeling warning [for] the physician that such 
>signs and symptoms of depression may be exacerbated by this drug". No such 
>warning was issued until 2004. 
>In 2005, an internal document purportedly from Eli Lilly and Co. made public 
>showed that the drug maker had data more than 15 years old showing that 
>patients on its antidepressant Prozac were far more likely to attempt suicide 
>and show hostility than were patients on other antidepressants and that the 
>company attempted to minimize public awareness of the side effects. The 1988 
>document indicated that 3.7 percent of patients attempted suicide while on the 
>blockbuster drug, a rate more than 12 times that cited for any of four other 
>commonly used antidepressants. The document, which cited clinical trials of 
>14,198 patients on fluoxetine also stated that 2.3 percent of users suffered 
>psychotic depression while on the drug, more than double the next-highest rate 
>of patients using another antidepressant. 
>The document was provided to CNN by the office of Rep. Maurice Hinchey, D-New 
>York, who called for tightening FDA regulations on drug safety. "The case 
>demonstrates the need for Congress to mandate the complete disclosure of all 
>clinical studies for FDA-approved drugs so that patients and their doctors, 
>not the drug companies, decide whether the benefits of taking a certain 
>medicine outweigh the risks," Rep. Hinchey said. 
>Tobin vs. SmithKline[edit source | editbeta] 
>In February 1998, 60-year-old Donald Schell went to see his doctor complaining 
>of difficulty sleeping. He was diagnosed with an anxiety state and placed on 
>Paxil, an SSRI. Within forty-eight hours of being put on Paxil Schell killed 
>his wife, daughter, infant granddaughter, and himself. Tim Tobin, Schell’s 
>son-in-law, took legal action against SmithKline. Healy was retained as an 
>expert witness in the case. 
>The Tobin case was heard in Cheyenne, Wyoming from May 21 to June 6, 2001. On 
>the stand SmithKline representative Ian Hudson indicated that no matter how 
>many physicians or clinicians reported to the company that they thought 
>suicide was related to the Paxil, SmithKline would deny causation. The jury 
>returned a guilty verdict against SmithKline and awarded Tobin $6.4 
>million.[10][11][12] This was the first verdict returned guilty against a 
>pharmaceutical company regarding adverse behavioral effects of a psychotropic 
>Healy’s healthy volunteer study[edit source | editbeta] 
>Healy designed an experiment to examine if disinhibition, which Healy believes 
>can lead to suicide, is associated with SSRIs. He compared Zoloft (an SSRI) to 
>reboxetine (a non-SSRI anti-depressant) in a group of healthy volunteers. The 
>volunteers would be placed on Zoloft or reboxetine for two weeks, halt for two 
>weeks and then take the other drug for two weeks. The experiment would test if 
>the marketed “better than well” phenomenon for SSRI was true. 
>At the end of the study two-thirds of the participants rated themselves as 
>“better than well”. However, the volunteers’ quality of life and social 
>functioning decreased on Zoloft but remained the same on reboxetine. 
>Approximately half the group reported emotional blunting on the drugs. 
>Two patients in the study became suicidal which Healy associated with 
>disinhibition caused by Zoloft. One patient's experience highlighted the theme 
>of hanging, which is common in SSRI suicides.[13] Healy calculated the 
>probability of two healthy volunteers without mental illness and no current 
>interpersonal legal or financial problems becoming suicidal during a two-week 
>period on Zoloft as p = 0.0000005. In other words, the chance that Zoloft was 
>unrelated to the two healthy volunteers' becoming suicidal during the trial 
>period (that is, the chance that it was coincidental) is only 1 in 2000000. 
>Healy concluded that he had “accidentally demonstrated conclusively that the 
>drugs could cause the problem.”[14][15] 
>Toronto affair[edit source | editbeta] 
>In 1999, Healy was recruited for a position in the Department of Psychiatry 
>and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health(CAMH) in Toronto. He was 
>brought in for a three-day visit to CAMH and the Department in July. Following 
>his visit, Dr. Paul Garfinkel, Chair of the University's Department of 
>Psychiatry, wrote him a congratulatory letter. 
>On January 28, 2000 Dr. Sidney Kennedy, Professor or Psychiatry and Head, Mood 
>& Anxiety Division, CAMH, wrote to Healy discussing details of an offer to be 
>appointed a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and Clinical 
>Director for the Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program at CAMH. Kennedy 
>concluded: "I am extremely enthusiastic about your interest in this position 
>and I believe that you will bring an important line of critical inquiry and 
>clinical research acumen to this department".[16] 
>On August 17, 2000 Dr. David Goldbloom, Physician-in-Chief at CAMH and 
>Professor of Psychiatry at University of Toronto, andGeorgina Veldhorst, 
>Vice-President, Mental Health Programs, CAMH, wrote to Healy to offer him 
>formally the position of Clinical Director, Mood and Anxiety Disorders 
>Program, CAMH. 
>Lecture[edit source | editbeta] 
>On November 30, 2000 Healy was invited to a meeting at the University of 
>Toronto entitled “Look Back. Looking Ahead – Psychiatry in the 21st Century: 
>Mental Illness and Addiction”. Healy presented a talk with the title 
>“Psychopharmacology and the Government of Self”.[17] This talk gave an 
>overview of the history of psychopharmacology and was critical of several 
>aspects of the pharmaceutical industry. 
>Healy talked about the inadequacy of clinical trials stating that “clinical 
>trials in psychiatry have never showed that anything worked”. His point was 
>that clinical trials demonstrate treatment effects and not whether or not a 
>drug works. Healy was also critical of ghost-written scientific literature. He 
>noted that the fact that unsuccessful clinical trials are suppressed and 
>successful clinical trials are over reported was not scientifically sound. 
>In addition, Healy made the direct comment that “Prozac and other SSRIs can 
>lead to suicide" and that “these drugs may have been responsible for one death 
>for every day that Prozac has been on the market in North America”. Moreover, 
>Healy criticized the industry by the fact that “since the controversy blew up, 
>there has not been a single piece of research carried out to answer the 
>question of whether ‘Prozac’ does cause suicide or not”. 
>Aftermath[edit source | editbeta] 
>On December 7, 2000, shortly after Healy’s talk he received an email from Dr. 
>Goldbloom, who was retracting his previously offered position at CAMH. The 
>reason Goldbloom indicated was as follows: “Essentially, we believe that it is 
>not a good fit between you and the role as leader of an academic program in 
>mood and anxiety disorders at the Centre and in relation to the University. 
>This view was solidified by your recent appearance at the Centre in the 
>context of an academic lecture. While you are held in high regard as a scholar 
>of the history of modern psychiatry, we do not feel your approach is 
>compatible with the goals for development of the academic and clinical 
>resource that we have.”[18] However, Healy believes that his job offer was 
>retracted because his critical views of the pharmaceutical industry and 
>especially Eli Lilly. This has been denied by the then-President of the 
>University of Toronto, Prof. Robert Birgeneau who stated in a 
> letter to the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) that Healy’s 
> contract was “not influenced in any way by Eli Lilly or by any other 
> pharmaceutical company.”[19] 
>Eli Lilly was a significant contributor to the University of Toronto. It 
>supported 52 percent of the budget for the Mood and Anxiety Disorder Clinic 
>that Healy would have headed up. In addition it gave a 1.5 million dollar gift 
>to CAMH to help its fundraising campaign. Furthermore, there was precedent for 
>Eli Lilly removing its financial support in response to anti-Prozac comments 
>or publications. In March 2000, the Hasting Center published an article by 
>Healy which indicated that Prozac induced suicide. Eli Lilly pulled their 
>support of $25,000 per annum. The Hasting Center re-reviewed the article but 
>stood behind its decision. 
>The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) fully supported Healy 
>and lobbied the University of Toronto on his behalf. In a May 2001 letter to 
>Birgeneau, they stated “retraction of a job offer suggests a fundamental 
>attack on academic freedom…what happened to Dr. Healy appears to be an affront 
>to academic freedom in Canada.”[20] The CAUT was concerned that CAMH and the 
>University of Toronto were concerned about employing a widely recognized 
>critic, who raises questions about corporate connections and how this might 
>impact funding. 
>In September 2001, Healy filed a lawsuit against the CAMH and the University 
>of Toronto for $9.4 million in damages and lost income. In a press conference 
>Healy stated that his greatest concern was academic freedom and that with some 
>of the damages awarded he would set up a fund to promote academic freedom.[21] 
>The lawsuit settled out of court and many of the terms of settlement remain 
>undisclosed; following the settlement, Healy was offered and accepted a 
>visiting professorship at the University of Toronto. In an interview about 
>Healy's dismissal, a CAMH spokesperson "denied any influence on our decisions, 
>direct or indirect or otherwise, by an outsider donor, funder, or individual 
>and certainly not by a pharmaceutical company."[22] 
>Ghost writing[edit source | editbeta] 
>Medical ghost writing occurs when anonymous ghostwriters with scientific 
>backgrounds are paid to produce reports for publication as if written by 
>better-known experts. Healy estimates that up to 50 percent of literature on 
>drugs is ghostwritten.[23] In his thesis, he states that ghostwriters write on 
>research given to them by drug companies, which want both positive results and 
>positive research; therefore ghostwriting is biased from the beginning. 
>Healy encountered ghost writing involving Wyeth’s SNRI Effexor. Healy attended 
>a meeting promoting Effexor, and was offered for his approval a draft article 
>that had been written for him. He left it intact, but made two additions. One 
>contradicted Wyeth’s claim that Effexor got patients fully well compared to 
>patients on other SSRIs and another stated that SSRIs could make some 
>individuals suicidal. The article had already been submitted to the Journal of 
>Psychiatry and Neuroscience before Healy saw it again; both of his additions 
>had been removed. In response Healy removed his name from the article.[24] 
>Solutions[edit source | editbeta] 
>In the preface of his book Let them Eat Prozac Healy describes the need for a 
>“new contract between society and the pharmaceutical industry – a contract 
>that will require access to the raw data”. Healy suggests a new division that 
>can manage the hazards that only becomes visible after products are launched. 
>This new division would be separate from the regulatory bodies and 
>pharmaceutical companies. 
>In "Interface between authorship, industry and science in the domain of 
>therapeutics"[25] a paper of 2003 for The British Journal of Psychiatry, David 
>Healy notes that : 
>"The literature profiles and citation rates of industry-linked and 
>non-industry-linked articles differ. The emerging style of authorship in 
>industry-linked articles can deliver good-quality articles, but it raises 
>concerns for the scientific base of therapeutics." 
>He proposed the following resolution of this conflict of interest : 
>"If ghostwriting is an inevitable feature of modern scientific writing, the 
>potential availability of the raw data would do more to ensure a 
>correspondence between those data and a published end result than could be 
>achieved by any other mechanism." 
>Editorial board membership[edit source | editbeta] 
>Healy sits on the Honorary International Editorial Advisory Board of the Mens 
>Sana Monographs[26] 
> From: Roger Clough  
>To: theoretical_physics ; 4dworldx <4dwor...@yahoogroups.com>; 
>Sent: Monday, August 5, 2013 4:23 AM 
>Subject: Re: Re: Re: [Theoretical_Physics] Re: [4DWorldx] 
>Fw:Re:Re:[Theoretical_Physics_Board] OK, but think about this 
>Hi Chaotic Inflation  
>A few anecdotes do not make a case, 
>although liberals do this all the time. 
>Prozac is very similar in composition to one 
>common class of anti-depressants. It's perfectly 
>Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (ret.) [1/1/2000] 
>See my Leibniz site at 
>----- Receiving the following content -----  
>From:  Chaotic Inflation  
>Time: 2013-08-04, 00:33:01  
>Subject: Re: Re: [Theoretical_Physics] Re: [4DWorldx] 
>Fw:Re:Re:[Theoretical_Physics_Board] OK, but think about this  
>>From what I've read some (prozac especially, but also others) cause violent 
>>tendencies in teenagers..... the side effects are vastly different in 
>>children with developing brains.  
>> From: Roger Clough  
>>To: 4dworldx <4dwor...@yahoogroups.com>; theoretical_physics  
>>Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 11:00 AM  
>>Subject: Re: Re: [Theoretical_Physics] Re: [4DWorldx] Fw: 
>>Re:Re:[Theoretical_Physics_Board] OK, but think about this  
>>Hi Chaotic Inflation  
>>Antidepressants are probably overprescribed, but they only help you if you 
>>are depressed,  
>>otherwise I am told that they have no effect (they surely don't make you 
>>high), so why would anybody  
>>keep paying even the copay ? My suspicion is that they are useful and so 
>>Without God, it's a depressing world.  
>>Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (ret.) [1/1/2000]  
>>See my Leibniz site at  
>>----- Receiving the following content -----  
>>From:  Chaotic Inflation  
>>Receiver: 4dwor...@yahoogroups.com,theoretical_phys...@yahoogroups.com  
>>Time: 2013-08-03, 03:49:37  
>>Subject: Re: [Theoretical_Physics] Re: [4DWorldx] Fw: 
>>Re:Re:[Theoretical_Physics_Board] OK, but think about this  
>>>Obviously this isn't an all size all fits scenario, you have a serious 
>>>condition, but they are way overprescribed, especially to children and those 
>>>with only mild or moderate condition, which studies have shown respond much 
>>>better to counseling and lifestyle changes and which alternatives dont have 
>>>the serious side effects.  Your condition clearly isn't mild or moderate and 
>>>therefore you need them.  The pharmaceutical industry, like with statins, 
>>>has been trying to expand its market as much as possible, to people who dont 
>>>need them instead of concentrating on the ones who really do- hence the 
>>>television ads.  
>>> From: Roger Clough  
>>>To: 4dworldx <4dwor...@yahoogroups.com>; theoretical_physics_board ; 
>>>Sent: Friday, August 2, 2013 5:58 AM  
>>>Subject: Re: [Theoretical_Physics] Re: [4DWorldx] Fw: Re: 
>>>Re:[Theoretical_Physics_Board] OK, but think about this  
>>>Hi Chaotic Inflation  
>>>I've been on anti-depressants for 30 years and would  
>>>be dead without them.  
>>>Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (ret.) [1/1/2000]  
>>>See my Leibniz site at  
>>>----- Receiving the following content -----  
>>>From:  Chaotic Inflation  
>>>Time: 2013-08-01, 21:29:12  
>>>Subject: [Theoretical_Physics] Re: [4DWorldx] Fw: Re: 
>>>Re:[Theoretical_Physics_Board] OK, but think about this  
>>>>Yes, the sad fact is that most psychotropic drugs dont cure anything but 
>>>>put people in a state of sluggishness that makes them not really care about 
>>>> From: Anna  
>>>>To: 4dwor...@yahoogroups.com; theoretical_physics_bo...@yahoogroups.com; 
>>>>Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2013 9:25 PM  
>>>>Subject: Re: [4DWorldx] Fw: Re: Re: [Theoretical_Physics_Board] OK, but 
>>>>think about this  
>>>>I tried once. Makes you very dull and uncreative.  
>>>>From: Chaotic Inflation  
>>>>Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2013 7:23 PM  
>>>>To: 4dwor...@yahoogroups.com ; theoretical_physics_bo...@yahoogroups.com ; 
>>>>Subject: [4DWorldx] Fw: Re: Re: [Theoretical_Physics_Board] OK, but  
>>>>think about this  
>>>>I agree, I think they have good intentions however the end result would be  
>>>>disastrous.  Although not all have good intentions, some have argued that  
>>>>introducing lithium would be a good way to ensure "compliance" and curb 
>>>>authoritarian behavior  
>>>> From: Roger Clough  
>>>>To: theoretical_physics_board  
>>>>Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2013 5:45  
>>>>Subject: Re: Re: Re:  
>>>>[Theoretical_Physics_Board] OK, but think about this  
>>>>Hi Chaotic Inflation  
>>>>Lithium carbonate is a poison for most of us.  
>>>>Even for those with  
>>>>bipolar depression, it needs to be carefully monitored,  
>>>>and they  
>>>>can't be already taking it.  
>>>>Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (ret.)  
>>>>See my Leibniz site  
>>>>----- Receiving the  
>>>>following content -----  
>>>>From: Chaotic Inflation  
>>>>Receiver: mailto:Theoretical_Physics_Board%40yahoogroups.com  
>>>>Time: 2013-08-01, 03:17:43  
>>>>Subject: Re: Re: [Theoretical_Physics_Board]  
>>>>OK, but think about this  
>>>>>Probably lol- what's your  
>>>>position on some psychiatrists' wanting lithium in the water supply though? 
>>>>> From: Roger  
>>>>>To: theoretical_physics_board  
>>>>>Sent: Thursday, August 1,  
>>>>2013 2:16 AM  
>>>>>Subject: Re: Re: [Theoretical_Physics_Board] OK, but think  
>>>>about this  
>>>>>Hi Chaotic Inflation  
>>>>>It won't make people happy, but putting contraceptives in the  
>>>>drinking water should  
>>>>>stop over-population.  
>>>>>Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (ret.) [1/1/2000]  
>>>>>See my Leibniz site at  
>>>>>----- Receiving the following content -----  
>>>>>From: Chaotic  
>>>>>Receiver: mailto:Theoretical_Physics_Board%40yahoogroups.com  
>>>>>Time: 2013-07-31, 21:26:42  
>>>>>Subject: Re:  
>>>>[Theoretical_Physics_Board] OK, but think about this  
>>>>>>The problem is, what works in a petri dish is time limited-  
>>>>those studies only go forward for a few months, while years down the line,  
>>>>things can be much different- and I contend this is exactly why we've seen 
>>>>higher rates of certain illnesses. Man, reading that story about Agent 
>>>>and the 200,000 kids born with birth defects really turned my stomach, and  
>>>>Monsanto had to shell out 230 million in a settlement and yet still denied  
>>>>responsibility? Evil endures. And now that glysophate has stopped working 
>>>>want to use it on crops- what?! Haha, expect that company to be blown out 
>>>>existence in the next few years. Dont think many tears will be shed.  
>>>>>> From: Allen Francom  
>>>>>>To: "mailto:Theoretical_Physics_Board%40yahoogroups.com";  
>>>>>>Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 9:22 PM  
>>>>>>Subject: Re:  
>>>>[Theoretical_Physics_Board] OK, but think about this  
>>>>>>This is actually  
>>>>a heck of a topic  
>>>>>>Because... Malthusians "do the math",  
>>>>right or wrong, they still do it...  
>>>>>>What works in a  
>>>>Petri-dish works for us too ?  
>>>>>>Likely so  
>>>>>>EXCEPT - we are good at inventing new corn and wheat, right or wrong  
>>>>at that too,  
>>>>>>we still feed more people than have seemingly ever even  
>>>>existed in entire history.  
>>>>>>Shoulder to the wheel  
>>>>>>Reach for the stars  
>>>>>>Or bust  
>>>>>> From: Chaotic  
>>>>>>To: "mailto:Theoretical_Physics_Board%40yahoogroups.com";  
>>>>; "mailto:4dworldx%40yahoogroups.com";  
>>>>; "mailto:theoretical_physics%40yahoogroups.com";  
>>>>>>Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 12:02 AM  
>>>>>>Subject: Re:  
>>>>[Theoretical_Physics_Board] OK, but think about this  
>>>>>>Nah, that's the wrong way to look at it,  
>>>>humanity isn't being "controlled" it's just a fact of nature that this is 
>>>>happens when one species dominates a planet for too long- it has nothing to 
>>>>with "hating" anyone, but recognizing how the planet keeps everything in  
>>>>balance- for the benefit of the entire planet, rather than just one 
>>>>species. In  
>>>>the long run it benefits everyone, including humans.  
>>>>>> From: Stephen P. King  
>>>>>>To: mailto:Theoretical_Physics_Board%40yahoogroups.com  
>>>>>>Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 12:21 AM  
>>>>>>Subject: Re:  
>>>>[Theoretical_Physics_Board] OK, but think about this  
>>>>>>Is humanity a blight to be controlled? If  
>>>>so, we should we worry about shoving the throttle to full speed ahead and 
>>>>the blight over with forthwith? Nature seems to manage to take care of 
>>>>quite well w/o us... The inconsistency of the "Humanity Haters" confuses 
>>>>7/30/2013 10:18 PM, Chaotic Inflation wrote:  
>>>>>>The ice  
>>>>ages actually performed a very necessary function if this is true- by 
>>>>the human population- thus preventing a much greater disaster. I think we 
>>>>overdue for one of these cataclysmic events and another reduction of the 
>>>>>>>Either way, we'll  
>>>>be off of primitive fossil fuels long before any of this comes to pass- a 
>>>>hundred years is a drop in the bucket on all scales but the limited 
>>>>lifespans of  
>>>>human beings.  

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