To perform a fix on the climate, and I am giving the IPCC supporters the 
benefit of the doubt, we must have abundant clean sources at the ready. We need 
terawatts of clean, because gigawatts are insufficient. Some can be replaced by 
higher efficiency homes and devices, and cars-but this will only takes us so 
far.  Think terawatts, not negawatts, and what tech we are going to use to 
replace the dirty? Faster please.

-----Original Message-----
From: meekerdb <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 14, 2013 7:23 pm
Subject: Re: Global warming silliness

On 11/14/2013 4:20 AM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:
> Yes.
> I proposed myself not to argue against sectarian apocalypticists because that 
is a waste 
> of time, but honoring those of you that are not seduced by the 
> end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it movement, I will say something:

Alas, some people just can't be relied on.

> Climatic models are bullshit. if you look at how they adjust parameters 
looking at the 
> climategate mails you will have no doubt. Starting from that funny way for 
> models, it is no surprise that they predict nothing as Telmo said.

First, the general circulation model developed at East Anglia is only one of a 
dozen or 
more and they all predict increasing temperature - including the pencil and 
calculation of Arhennius.  In fact it's trivially easy to see that increased 
raise the earth's temperature.  CO2 absorbs light energy in infrared bands that 
otherwise transparent.  Without CO2 the planet would be too cold for human 
habitation (as 
already realized by Fourier).  The difficulty in making accurate predictions of 
how much 
the CO2 we're adding will raise temperatures comes from accounting for the 
feedback effect of water vapor.  Most models assume the world average relative 
will stay the same.  Some try to model ocean circulation from deep to shallow 
and assume 
water vapor pressure stays in equilibrium with the ocean surface.  But these 
don't make 
any difference to the long term conclusion.

> There is a model of the earth nucleus. It is very good. Why?  Because it 
behaves like 
> the real nucleus. It invert polarity every 14000 years I believe, dont want 
> to 
fire up 
> the wikipedia to get the real digits. That is why it is a good model.

Just like climate models parameter values have been inferred by matching past 

> What would be a good test of a climatic model?. We know that at the glacial 
eras started 
> when North and South America united by the istmus of Panama closed the free 
> movement between the atlantic and pacific. That changed the global water flow 
> and resulted in the two polar ice caps.
> It is easy to configure the continents in the climate models and see what 
happens in 
> each configuration of the american continents. Why they dont try it?. Because 
they know 
> that their models are lacking decades of research to get accurate enough for 
> simplest long term prediction.

More obfuscation.  If more solar energy is retained by the atmosphere the 
will get 
hotter until it can radiate as much as received.  Moving continents around can 
only affect 
the local distribution. This is the same tactic as Creationists who point to 
sequence or the flagellum and declare, "Let's see evolution explain THAT."


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