On 20 Nov 2013, at 11:12, LizR wrote:

My son - now 15 - did a project at school in which he advocated legalising cannabis. He had a lot of good arguments! (Some supplied by me :)


But strictly speaking, there is no need of any argument.

It is up to those wanting cannabis illegal to give arguments, and they have failed up to now, and this since the start. All arguments in favor of cannabis illegality have been shown to be pure propaganda with 0 evidences presented (and a lot of logic and statistic errors, or even plain lies).

It is amazing how some scientist are quick in saying this or that is crackpot, but remain mute on the "cannabis dangers". There are more evidences that water has memory, or that Obama is an alien coming from some galaxy nearby, than that cannabis has been dangerous for the health of someone, besides the fact that any abuse can be problematical, especially when a product is made illegal.

The whole prohibition idea is a criminal crap. We believe today, both theoretically and empirically, that once a drug is repressed, its consumption augments *a lot*. That is normal, because its prohibition just creates a very lucrative (black) market, without neither price nor quality control, and offering the best means to target the children in the street.

Prohibition makes no sense at all. The term "drug" has no meaning at all, except "medication". A "drug" is only a medication made illegal, so that we can sell it at abnormal price, to all kids in all urban streets. It works very well, for the bandits and the criminals, in every countries. Prohibition is a democracy killer.


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