Leibniz: I think, therefore there is an I

The true meaning of Descartes' famous dictum, "I think, therefore I am" 
can be clarified further by restating it using Leibniz' model of 
being (essence+existent) if the proposition is restated as 
"I think, therefore there is an I", or equivalently as 
"I perceive, therefore there is an I", or in 
fact any proposition containing a the subject "I" and a verb.

Such propositions are simple intentional acts by the mind,
not the brain, where "I" is the essence or monad of the 
existent brain, which then thinks much as a violin is
played by a violinist.

This also answers Heidigger's life-long search for
an answer to the question "what is being?"
Being is "I am" or essence+existence.

Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (ret.) [1/1/2000]
See my Leibniz site at

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