[] On Behalf Of meekerdb
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: Global warming silliness


On 11/22/2013 7:03 PM, Chris de Morsella wrote:



[] On Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: Global warming silliness


On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 8:40 PM, Chris de Morsella <>


>> People who vote for the German Green Party are dimwits, and it ain't ad
hominem if it's true.

> And people who term the Fukushima disaster as a "run of the mill
industrial accident" - which you said - are so far out of touch with reality
that nothing they say can be trusted. And it ain't ad hominem if its true.

>>Far worst than ad hominem (a pompous phrase for name calling) is making up
quotes about somebody that they never said. Perhaps somebody said Fukushima
disaster was a "run of the mill industrial accident" but is sure as hell
wasn't me! Fukushima was the second worse nuclear accident of all time. What
I did say is that Fukushima killed fewer people than a run of the mill coal
power plant over its 30 year lifetime, even if that coal plant never
suffered a industrial accident. 

And you know this how? It is very hard to prove causality for cancer. How
many extra cases of cancer will there be over the next decades and going out
in time over one hundred thousand years or more as a result of the mass
dispersal of all manner of radionuclides into the biosphere? You do not know
how these radionuclides will migrate in the biosphere; nor how many of them
will find their way through various bio-uptake channels and become
incorporated into living tissue where they will wreak havoc on nearby cells
DNA (in fact even weak alpha emitters once incorporated into living tissue
are potentially cancer causing, because of the very close proximity of the

There is a gulf of difference between the low levels of radiation received -
on average - from the highly diluted but very widely dispersed of nuclear
pollutants that the Fukushima disaster has released - AND continues to
release AND still very much has the potential to release huge amounts - and
the continuous, localized irradiation that any living tissue that is near a
microscopic spec, or even molecular scale clump of the nastier varietals. A
slew of hot short to midterm half-life radionuclides including Cessium-137
(with a 30 year half-life), Strontium-90, Iodine-131 for example have been
and continue to be released. U-235 is also showing up in samples.

>>Exactly, and a lot of those radionuclides are released in coal mining and
coal burning.  Radon is the primary cause of lung cancer among non-smokers
(est. 21,000 per year in the U.S.).


Sure. And the radon is not all coal releases. Mercury and a host of other
nasty stuff goes right up out the smoke stack. A recent Harvard Medical
School report estimated the annualized externalized cost of coal to be close
to $400 billion. In fact, if coal had to price in the full range of
downstream costs entailed by burning it, overnight, it would become one of
the costliest energy sources on the planet.

But let's not minimize the risks posed by the melted cores of units #1, #2,
#3 - (& esp. #3 - because it was fueled with MOX (a blend of uranium and
P-239 & U-235)). The cores seem to have been compromised and the corium
could be now burning its way through the outer containment structures... or
worse already be slowly melting through  the rock below. A hot blob of
corium melt cannot be effectively cooled by water because of its relatively
very small surface area - as compared to the reactor rods from whence it was
made. Corium melt is incredibly hot. Now as it diffuses and mixes into more
and more material it will of course cool. If it does get to that stage it
will be one hell of a mess.




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