
I agree with what you say below.

In fact evolution needs arguably to presuppose computationalism.

Computationalism explains that we have to extend the idea of evolution to the origin and development of the physical objects and laws, which will be used "later" by evolution. The laws of physics evolve through both a certain type of possible deep computations (cosmological history), and the FPI on all computations ("comp"-quantum computations).

With comp, causality, responsibility, reason, are mind's higher cognitive notion to structure the information we get. It does not exist in the basic reality, which can be taken as only the numbers + the numbers law.

Computationalism forces us to extend both Darwin, and the move begun by Galilee-Einstein-Everett-Rossler (and others). It gives something opposed strongly to anthropomorphism, but close to "universal person-morphism".

You still seem to assume (primitive) matter, but perhaps it is just because you are interested in the human history, and not really in the question why there is something instead of nothing.


On 11 Dec 2013, at 11:46, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

Not a bad achievement.

Instead, the hypothesis that the living beings compute in order to
solve evolutionary pressures is closer to the Plato world of ideas, Or
specifically, the Plato-Aristotle syntesis of Thomas Aquinas. and also
closer to dig knowledge for living, that it , at last, the purpose of
the philosophers of the antiquity.

It can explain how the world of ideas  is the result of the
hardcoding, by natural selection. of key concepts and their relations
in order to survive in society and nature. That go as deep as to
define reality, the perception of space and time, that is, the entire
soul, psyche or mind whatever you may call it.

Lorentz explained how the Kantian a prioris, that embrace the platonic
ideas or Aristotle categories, but also the mechanisms of the
perceptions are shaped by natural selection. So  matter becomes a
phenomenon in the mind. and the kantian thing-in-itself becomes
something whose only attribute is that produces coherent perceptions
among many observers. It can be purely mathematical and nothing more,

The cause-effect may be reversed, to say that the mind determines the
coherence (That is, the mathematicity) of the external reality and
also its evolutionary history in order to be coherent with its own
coherence in time, since what is observed is correlation, not
causality in one or other direction.

It explains also how the aestetic appreciation of flowers and patterns
of colors, and the horror to the serpents,  the need to carry empty
bags and boots (even in summertime) in women is linked to the
ancestral need to locate patterns of edible vegetables in the wild,
avoid serpents and carry the gathered vegetables home.

2013/12/11, Bruno Marchal <>:

On 10 Dec 2013, at 23:38, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

Thanks for the clarification.

You are welcome.

But for what refer to the questions i
asked, I find that my initial assumptions are broadly correct. I find
the platonism of the UDA very different from the Platonism of Plato.

It is more pythagorean, and it contains Plotinus correction of
Aristotle theory of matter (as mainly an indeterminate).

Yes, Platonism evolved a lot from Plato to Damascius, and made a big
jump, through Church-Turing and Gödel.

despite the merits that  the hypothesis of mechanism may have to
clarify other questions.

The goal is to show that with computationalism, the mind-body problem
is a problem in mathematical logic. Then we can see that the solution
will satisfy more Plato than Naturalism. Physics become a branch of
machine's theology or psychology ...


2013/12/10, Bruno Marchal <>:

On 10 Dec 2013, at 12:15, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

2013/12/10 Bruno Marchal <>

On 10 Dec 2013, at 10:40, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

It seems to me that your invocation of platonism is wrong. For Plato
the reality is a shadow of the perfect world of ideas, universals
that we can "remember" by anamnesis.


But for you reality is a partial dream,

Not at all.
Only physical reality. And it is not "one" dream, it is what result
from an infinity of dreams, by the FPI on arithmetic.
(FPI = first person indeterminacy, *on* the complete UD emulation in

but coherent or "robust" product of the aleatory  Dovetailer

+ The FPI.

and sometimes we have access to that nonsense by our dreams and

By comp, and the FPI on all computations going through our comp
state (which exists theoretically, as we work in the comp theory).

So in fact the reality, as the the platonic realm is just the
opposite of the one of the UDA: it is full of structure and perfect,
while the UDA produces every kind of thing possible.

Only computations. Computer science shows this to be a complex
mathematical structure, structured differently from the different
points of view of a machines, which themselves obeys the non trivial
laws of self-reference. It is full of structure.

Where that structure come from?

They follow from the laws of addition and multiplication and logic,
basically from:

0 ≠ s(x)
s(x) = s(y) -> x = y
x+0 = x
x+s(y) = s(x+y)

The TOE has no other axioms. (Only definitions).
Note that most scientific theories admit those axioms.

I see all computatons possible coming from the UDA,

You mean the UD (the universal dovetailer). UDA is for the "UD
Argument" (UDA is only the name of a deductive argument based on the
notion of Universal Dovetailing).

some of them with structure, some of them do not.

That is ambiguous. They all have some structure. But I am OK, as some
have internal and external (to them, relatively) random data, also.

It is isomorphic to some subset of the mathematical multiverse

Too much fuzzy. It depends of your starting assumption. "multiverse"
is usually used in the context of QM. But neither QM, nor "~QM" is
assumed in the UD Argument.
The UD argument is deductive (not entirely in step 8 as it is
to apply on 'reality' and use Occam razor). It shows that if you
survive with a digital brain, then you survive in the infinitely many arithmetical brain, and physics, to remain a stable appearance has no
choice to "exploit" an infinite self-multiplication.

UDA reduces partially the mind-body problem (my job) to a body
in arithmetic.

It is a problem. Not a solution of a problem (except that in the
arithmetical translation of the UDA (AUDA), we can already interview the universal machine (Löbian one) on that problem, and they tell us
that Plato seems less foolish than Aristotle.

or the boltzmann aleatory structures.

Same remark. Keep in mind that if we accept the existence of a
physical reality, we "meta-reason" to find the deepest laws of
reality, and be open that physics might not be the fundamental

Or can be emulated by UDA.

Yes. Note that the UD emulation is entirely deterministic (in the
and hopefully partially deterministic in the 1p (plural) view.

The only additional merit is the use of few initial assumptions.

I think you miss the point. I am just saying that if comp is correct, then adding anything to those initial assumption is a redundant form
of conceptual treachery.

But to emulate everithing possible with few assumptions is not a
merit IMHO.

You do miss the point. With all my respect.
The emulation is only a manner of formulating the problem precisely,
that is, mathematically.

I´m not trying to be harsh.

No problem. I could look like a philosopher, defending some theory.
But that's not what I do, and did.

I am a logician, and computer scientist, explaining that if you say
"yes" to the comp doctor, then (assuming you have enough logical
cognitive ability) to reduce the comp mind body problem into body
problem in arithmetic.
Then I show that we can interview universal machine having such
cognitive ability, translating indeed the problem into a sequence of
problems in arithmetic.
At first sight Plotinus and the mystics are closer to the Löbian
numbers than Aristotle. I mean in term of coherent whole.

I just want to put my impressions in words. The platoninc world of
ideas is then ONE of the many possible infinite whoknows that the
UDA can produce.

Well, it is just the sigma_1 complete part of a vastly bigger
arithmetical reality (pi_1, sigma_24, pi_1000, etc.))

It is important to keep in mind the difference between the computable
part of the arithmetical reality, with the non computable part, and
the non provable part, by any machines, even ZF+kappa, etc.

The self reference, the diofantic equations etc are tentative ways
to stablish a limit to that exuberance, but either you postulate UDA
in its completeness and everithing produced from UDA exist and
therefore I´m right and the order is only apparent and local, like
in the multiverse hypothesis(that i find equaly unsatisfactory) or
you add additional axioms.

Comp makes it possible to work entirely in arithmetic. This is a
theorem in computer science. Even without Church thesis.

You must understand that I am not trying to sell you a new theory. I just show that in an older "banal", seemingly innocent, but commonly
believed or intuited theory, Milinda-Descartes "Mechanism", Church
thesis makes it possible, and necessary (that's the point),  to
the mind-body problem into a purely arithmetical universal self-
justification problem, which includes way to distinguishing the many
points of view, including the physical.

You can understand the conclusion, before understanding that comp
leads to that conclusion. For this, you have to be open minded for
materialist, or non physicalist fundamental reality, like the
arithmetical reality, which contains the many meta-arithmetical

I transform a problem into another, mathematical problem. Then I
the propositional part of the many points of view, including the
physical, so we can compare with 'nature'. The presence of three
arithmetical quantizations give hope to show that the arithmetical
winner is a quantum computer, but that's remain an open problem.

The subject is difficult, and I might have been mistaken, but in
principle, it concerns something which you should understand, not
taken as a new theory.

It is a big problem for the computationalist, but then you ask the
machines, and they expected that!

UD is a not a solution. It is a precise problem, which confronts all
universal numbers, and many "inside" things in arithmetic.

Have you read the sane04 paper, or the new one?

UDA can be understood by any good willing human reasoner. I think.
AUDA necessitates familiarity with mathematical logic and computer

AUDA shows that UDA can be understood by any good willing universal

But it is a problem, not a solution, although AUDA provides the
solutions at the propositional level, in the ideal case of sound
arithmetical machines, admitting (us) the standard theory of

With comp we have to extend the embedding of the physicist in the
physical reality by an embedding of the mathematician in the
mathematical reality. But that was what Gödel made, by showing how
arithmetized meta-arithmetic. With comp, that embedding of the
machines in the arithmetical reality is enough to formulate the
problem precisely.

The hard work has been done by Gödel, Löb, Grzegorczyk, Solovay,
Visser (and many others).


So at the end while Plato pressuposes order the UDA pressuposes that
there are tree elements that produce everithing that exist, and
those that does not exist.

I assume comp, and then reason. Like Plato we presuppose order
(indeed, brought by arithmetic: we know that the order in arithmetic
is *very* rich, and not completely accessible by *any* effective
Comp let us just assume no more order than there is in arithmetic,
at he basic ontological (assumed) level..

Al the end there are two theories of everithing: In the beginning
there was order and mind

That is exactly what you get by assuming comp. In the 'beginning'
you have order (the additive/multiplicative structure of the
numbers) and the emerging mind from it (the universal consciousness that you associate to all universal numbers in arithmetic, by comp,
and which is differentiating through the indexical (self-
referential) FPI).

or at the beginning there was some kind of primitive matter and
chaos. Plato theory is in the first case.

Yes. No primitive matter, and the full rich order of the numbers (or
of any Turing universal system).

Yours appears to be in the second.

Not at all. There is no assumed matter, and we assume the order
needed to make sense of computations and Church thesis. You are
right that there is some chaos, but that is part of the (new) world
of ideas.

What is your route from chaos to Plato?

The One of the Parmenides (used by Plotinus) = arithmetical truth
(that is full order far beyond what any machine can grasped). Chaos can be there, like in the prime numbers, but there is also a lot of
music. That chaos is there is what is new in Platonia, but Plato
could not be aware of Gödel.
The Noùs (Plato's universe of ideas) is given by the arithmetical
truth, made partially intelligible by the universal numbers.
The Soul (Plato's soul, Plotinus' universal soul) is given by the
conjunction/intersection of the One, and the Noùs.
Intelligible Matter is given by the conjunction of the Noùs and the
existence of a reality (self-consistency, Dt).
Sensible Matter is given by the conjunction of intelligible matter
and the One.

More on this in the Plotinus' paper. Comp rehabilitates not just
Plato, but Pythagorus (thanks to Church thesis).


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