Bruno Marchal <> wrote:

>>>>That's a great answer but unfortunately it's NOT a answer to the
>>> question John Clark asked, the question never asked anything about  "the 3p
>>> view", it was never mentioned. So John Clark will repeat the question for a
>>> fifth time: how many first person experiences viewed from their first
>>> person points of view does Bruno Marchal believe exists on planet Earth
>>> right now?
>> >>> 1  (I already answered this, note). from the 1-view, the 1-view is
>> always unique.
> >> Let me be sure I understand you correctly, on this entire planet there
> is only one "first person experience viewed from their first person points
> of view". Is that what you're saying?
> > No. What I said  is that *for* each (3p-numerous) first person view
> possible, it is felt as being unique

So what? The first 7 billion integers are all unique too, in fact that is
precisely why it is meaningful to speak of "the first 7 billion integers",
otherwise the phrase would be meaningless as would the very idea of

> The question is ambiguous.

If the question is ambiguous it is because I used YOUR phrase " the first
person experiences viewed from their first person points of view" !  If
your phrase means anything you should be able to tell me how many ( give or
take a few orders of magnitude)  "first person experiences viewed from
their first person points of view" exist on planet Earth right now, but of
course if it means nothing then you can't.

  John K Clark

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