On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Stephen Paul King <
stephe...@provensecure.com> wrote:

> Something to think about:
> http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/12/131205142218.htm#!
Yes. String theory is the great white hope. Lubos Motl even suggests that
ER=EPR may explain the concept of the soul.

> On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 5:53 PM, Liz R <lizj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Saturday, 28 December 2013 06:18:26 UTC+13, Edgar L. Owen wrote:
>>> Many worlds is probably the most outlandishly improbable theory of all
>>> time, and should have been laughed out of existence as soon as it was
>>> proposed. Do
>> Fortunately, science is not decided on what seems probable to humans, or
>> we would never have realised that there is anything except the Earth and
>> some lights in the sky. The MWI is very far from the most outlandishly
>> improbable theory of all time, I can name a dozen ontological theories that
>> are more outlandish without even asking WIkipedia, such as the idea that
>> the world was created by the shenannigans of various gods.
>> you actually understand what it says or implies? Basically that every
>>> quantum event that ever occured in the history of the universe spawns an
>>> entire new universe of all its possible outcomes and every event in every
>>> one of those new universes does the same. This immediately exponentially
>>> escalates in the first few minutes of the universe into uncountable new
>>> universes and has been expanding exponentially ever since over 14.7 billion
>>> years! Just try to calculate the
>> The MWI is a straight interpretation of our best theory of matter - an
>> interpretation that removes any extra assumptions (wave function collapse,
>> pilot waves, wave-particle duality etc). It is simply what the relevant
>> equations say, converted without interpretation to human language (if one
>> leaves aside the actual phrase "many worlds", which is misleading). The
>> equations imply that all possible outcomes occur for a given quantum event,
>> or to be exact that the entities we regard as particles are in fact waves,
>> capable of interfering with themselves, but only detectable (I suppose
>> "entanglable" would be a better word) by a process of localisation that is,
>> I'm told, neatly explained by decoherence. This implies that the universal
>> wavefunction is constantly spreading and differentiating. This is generally
>> characterised as "parallel universes coming into existence" but that isn't
>> a completely accurate description (and in any case it is quite possible
>> that space and time are emergent properties of the universal wavefunction).
>>> number of new universe that now exist. It's larger than the largest
>>> number that could ever be imagined or even written down. There is not
>>> enough paper in the universe, or enough computer memory in the entire
>>> universe to even express a number this large! Doesn't anyone ever use
>>> common sense and think through these things to see how stupid they are? And
>>> it violates all sorts of conservations since energy eg. is multiplied
>>> exponentially beyond counting. Geeez, it would be impossible to come up
>>> with something dumber, especially when it is completely clear that
>>> decoherence theory falsifies it conclusively.
>> If that was a correct description of the MWI, you might have a point, but
>> it isn't. Oddly enough clever people *have* thought about this, some of
>> them on this very list. Have you read "The Fabric of Reality" by David
>> Deutsch? That's what Americans would call "MWI 101" or "The MWI for
>> dummies". If you have, you will know that the MWI posits a continuum of
>> "worlds" which can only ever differentiate, not "split" or "branch" or any
>> of the other common misconceptions. The fact that the universe can generate
>> greater and greater detail indefinitely (or possibly only to certain
>> physical limits, like the Bekenstein bound) is no more surprising than the
>> fact that in GR a finite universe can expand to infinite size (under
>> certain conditions), or that the centre of a black hole (according to GR)
>> is a singularity of infinite density. These are all properties of the
>> continuum, a mathematical object that may or may not describe space-time
>> (if it doesn't, it does so to very high precision, apparently many orders
>> of magnitude smaller than the Planck length). The idea that the MWI
>> violates the conservation of energy was laid to rest a long time ago. A
>> simple example is a quantum computer factoring a 500 bit number. The
>> equations of QM say that this is physically possible, even if we have
>> trouble doing it in practice - it requires 500 qubits to be suitably
>> prepared and then shaken down somehow (with Shor's algorithm, I think) to
>> obtain the result. QM says this happens by generating a superposition of 2
>> to the power of 500 quantum states, which according to my trusty calculator
>> is quite a lot. These superpositions are in fact capable of decohering into
>> 2^500 possible states, although Shor's algo or whatever ensures that
>> 99.999...% of these give the right answer. The question is, how or where do
>> all these states exist? QM says they all exist right here, in "our
>> universe" (which the MWI claims is a convenient fiction, of course) - but
>> how can 2^500 states exist at the same time for the same qubits (which are
>> normally atoms, but could in theory be photons, electrons, etc) ? Where is
>> the calculation performed? This is a massive parallel computation, carried
>> out inside an object that could in theory be the size of a sugar cube. If
>> it was carried out using the computational resources of our universe, it
>> would need a *lot* of Hubble spheres - around 10^70 of them - to supply
>> the resources.
>> So is QM wrong? Is a quantum computer impossible, or impossible beyond
>> some cutoff well below 2^500 qubits? If not, that qc contains 2^500
>> mini-parallel-universes. But if you accept that, what happens when you
>> decohere them? Do you 2^500 slightly larger parallel universes, say
>> including the scientist who does the measurement? Or if not, why not? The
>> onus is on rival theories to explain where the cutoff occurs, and why.
>> PS
>> If for some reason you *haven't* read FOR, go away and do so. Then you
>> will be in a position to discuss this topic without relying on a mistaken
>> interpretation of the MWI.
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> Kindest Regards,
> Stephen Paul King
> Senior Researcher
> Mobile: (864) 567-3099
> stephe...@provensecure.com
>  http://www.provensecure.us/
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