On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 1:53 PM, Edgar L. Owen <edgaro...@att.net> wrote:

>> With Quantum Mechanics NOTHING is a wave function, that is to say no
>> observable quantity is. The wave function is a calculation device of no
>> more reality than lines of longitude and latitude. If you want to talk
>> about reality you've got to SQUARE the wave function, and even then all you
>> get is a probability not a certainty; not only that but the wave function
>> contains imaginary numbers so 2 different wave functions can yield the
>> exact same probability when you square it.
> > Sure, I agree if you want to define 'things' as decoherence

I define a "thing" as anything observable; it's what most people mean when
they say something like "concrete reality".

> rather than the wave functions that decohere to produce them. That's
> standard QM. I'm just using common parlance.

Quantum Mechanics can be formulated in a way that makes no use of wave
functions whatsoever, in fact that was the way  Heisenberg originally did
it. It was only 6 months later that Schrodinger came up with his wave
equation. Both methods come up with the exact same probability prediction
and which method used in the calculation is entirely a matter of personal
taste. And there is no arguing in matters of taste.

> But this is irrelevant to my points.

Your point was "everything is a wavefunction" and your point was about as
far from the truth as it's possible to get.

  John K Clark

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