On what authority do you make such claims? 

On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 2:14:54 PM UTC-5, Edgar L. Owen wrote:
> Liz, (and Dan)
> When people die they vanish from existence. To believe otherwise may be 
> comforting, but it's just superstition..
> There must be a living human body to produce a human consciousness. 
> Edgar
> On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 2:03:42 PM UTC-5, Liz R wrote:
>> I have to agree I don't think Edgar posted any links to his business or 
>> blog. Indeed if he had posted links to a blog on his theory I would 
>> certainly have looked because the explanations here have been less than 
>> clear.
>> I haven't criticise Edgar for a lack of immediate response once, never 
>> mind on several occasions. I have criticised his lack of any response to my 
>> questions when  he's replied to other things but obviously can't or won't 
>> answer me. (I am still thinking of starting a thread on outstanding 
>> questions to Edgar, but tbh I can't be bothered because I know it won't get 
>> me or any of us anywhere.)
>> On the subject of grief, I have wondered about that too. One reason is 
>> that I don't know that, say, QTI is correct. But I think the main one is 
>> that I personally have lost that person forever. My best friend was 
>> murdered in 1995, for example, and that is someone I will never see again. 
>> Likewise my father, who died over 10 years ago now. If they're still alive 
>> and well somewhere in the multiverse that's a bit of a comfort but I don't 
>> know that. Maybe I will realise it eventually, when I'm 150 say...

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