At least the music metaphor has aesthetic appreciation, performance, and an 
audience. Information/computation has none of those things unless we 
arbitrarily add them.


On Friday, January 17, 2014 4:10:50 AM UTC-5, cdemorsella wrote:
> Mostly lurking here… and have off and on for years
> Love some of the ideas floating here and the discussions; it can flow fast 
> and furious here… keeping up is like a full-time job lol
> Recently from time to time I have been poking in; hope you don’t mind me; 
> perhaps on occasion I can bring a perspective.
> Personally I think the cosmos is a musical entity even more profoundly 
> than it is a mathematical entity
> Vibration – perhaps is -- the motive enabler of operations, which are the 
> actors on values in all equations.
> What is vibration, if not music?
> Ahhh this mysterious vibration… this inner agitator of being, what is it 
> where is it? Hard to pin down eh?
> What is the observer?
> Why is it a given that we exist at all?
> What if our certainty of self is but a splendid illusion. When we speak of 
> self; we infer identity, separateness, a dichotomy between – that which we 
> perceive as self – and the universe the self observes. A lot of the 
> spiritual traditions… and the psychedelic experience… and perhaps some 
> empirical evidence as well allude to an un-nameable, ineffable un-seeable 
> yet manifest something. The Vibe!
> What if the universe is a symphony written large and the multiverse a 
> veritable panoply of musical styles and compositions. Hehe… please take all 
> this in the light hearted spirit in which it is given (some might say 
> spewed) I have tripped more and further than most.. music can sometimes on 
> occasion, especially when I sing bring me to a state of exceptional being 
> and presence and clarity of moment in moment… the idea of vibration 
> animating and being all does not seem all that weird or strange to me… and 
> the tie in to math is so elegant… harmony is math; music is about sets. The 
> physics of music gets right into the physics of waves and we all know that 
> goes deep.
> You could say it is the essential metaphor I prefer… we all have our 
> metaphors and notional constructs that support our beings and our sense of 
> our own selves. This is one I can rock on, and being a rocker it’s not 
> surprising that it rocks me.
> Give it away; it’s free!
> (cryptic)

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