
1. In my view real science means only the equations that actually work to 
predict events and the logical framework in which those equations are 
meaningfully applied. In a more restrictive sense real science is only the 
ACTUAL computations that actually compute the actual state of reality. That 
would mean that most of the equations of science which apply at the 
aggregate level are just descriptions rather than actual reality 
computations which I would claim occur only at the most elemental level. 
Thus e.g. the laws of motion and the behavior of gases are accurate 
DESCRIPTIONS of emergent behavior but are not actually involved in 
computing that behavior. The real computations are programs at the 
elemental level, and are those that compute the conservation of particle 
properties in particle interactions, and the bonding of matter, etc. So one 
can make a case that it is only these equations or programs that constitute 
real science.

Also note that real science does not consists of static equations that 
require scientists to apply them, but must consist of actual running 
programs that apply themselves without the help of scientists. Real 
science, in my strict sense, is programatic simulation of those actual 
programs on silicon computers of the actual programs that compute reality. 
This is because programs, as opposed to static equations, include the 
implicit logical context of the mathematical equations by embedding them 
within that logical structure. Real science in this sense does not require 
a scientist to apply it. It computes predictable results all by itself when 
fed inputs.

2. All the rest is not real science but meta-theories, philosophy, or 
interpretations of science. This is NOT to say that it is not useful or 
valid, but just to point out its actual status. From this perspective 
almost ALL of what currently passes for science, on this list and 
elsewhere, is not actually science, but interpretations of science, or 

3. Meta-science is NOT in a one to one correspondence with the underlying 
science it interprets because there can be and often are multiple competing 
interpretations of the same areas of real science.

4. Interpretations of science thus obviously include projections of 
personal world views onto the underlying science, and are creatures of 
personal belief systems designed to help make sense of the underlying 
science in terms of personal and socially current memes. As such they are 
always suspect, especially because in general they are NOT always subject 
to empirical confirmation or falsification AND they are based on personal 
world views designed to make sense of the mundane logic of things that have 
evolved to facilitate our functioning in our day to day environments rather 
than to provide insight into the true nature of reality.

5. Thus we must be careful to judge interpretations of science by their 
logical consistency with the underlying science they interpret, and always 
be on the lookout to eliminate our personal prejudices and the mundane 
views of reality programmed in our minds by evolution, and the syntactical 
logic of language which has evolved to make sense of mundane rather than 
deep reality.

6. Given the above, what my book, and my posts, attempt to do is: 

a. Accept all current established science as it is (always subject to new 
advances). That means I accept all the actual science (the actual equations 
in their logical matrix) of QM, SR, GR, Chemistry, Biology, Information 
science, Geology etc.etc. I accept everyone of these as it stands to the 
extent it results in empirically verifiable predictions.

b. Propose an entirely new and unifying INTERPRETATION of this science 
across its entire scope, which I believe is more consistent with it and 
more unified and explanatory than other current interpretations. If this is 
true then it provides a much deeper insight into the true underlying nature 
of reality...

Whether I succeed at this only time will tell...


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