The solar flux at earth orbit is on average (because the earth's orbit is not 
circular and the solar output is not constant) more or less 1370 W/m2; The 
Earth's radius is 6.378 X 10^6m; The Earth's albedo is around 0.3. So the total 
incident solar energy that is obstructed by the earth's disk and that is not 
reflected back out into space is solar flux * Area of earth's disk *albedo =  
1370 W/m * 1.278 * 10^11 m2 * 0.30 albedo = 5.2499373183089.4 * 10^14 watts

So according to my quick back of the envelope calculations planet earth 
receives a solar flux on average of well over500 Terawatts after factoring in 
the energy reflected back into space. And that is just the energy that is 
intersected by our planets disk... imagine how much energy a Dyson sphere could 

 From: LizR <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: Edging closer to nuclear fusion...

On 13 February 2014 12:44, Chris de Morsella <> wrote:

We all do use it already -- even as we burn the fossil fuel banked in coal 
seams and gas & oil bearing formations, all of which ultimately exists because 
a long time ago some plant had done the work of transforming a minuscule 
portion of the energy of flux put out by our fusion energy source in the sky 
during that long ago era into hydrocarbons with a potential chemical oxidation 
energy stored in them.
>Yes, sorry, I should have said exclusively, or more or less so. (I don't 
>consider burning hydrocarbons to be a useful way to use sunlight, because of 
>the by-products.) The Sun lavishes something like 10,000 times more energy on 
>Earth than the entirety of the energy used by human civilisation, I believe? 
>Certainly a lot more than we need, even if you knock off the amount used for 
>keeping warm and so on (most of it goes back into space anyway, I think).

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