Dear Hal, you wrote as IMO the 'fundamental' statement:

*1) Assumption # A1: There exists a set consisting of all possible
divisors. Call this set "A". *

 *"A" encompasses every distinction.*

Possible as per what? our present inventory of knowledge, or including what
we would deem impossible today? How about the presently unknown/unknowable
but included into "Everything" (A?) as additional items, qualia, functions
and divisors we have not the faintest idea about in today's inventory of
our knowledge?

This is my Agnosticism talking, 'assuming' more than our past - or present
- mental inventory even in some anticipatory and reverse-causational etc.

John Mikes

On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 7:21 PM, Hal Ruhl <> wrote:

> Hi everyone:
> I am currently interested in two questions:
> Does my model of why there are dynamic universes within the Everything
> [latest version is below] include Bruno's Comp?  Hi Bruno.
> If life is inherently self destructive under any reasonable definition of
> life [see some of my recent posts], then how does this impact the
> Everything since I see it as a restriction [selection] on the scope of
> possible universes?
> Comments welcome.
> Thanks
> Hal Ruhl
> i) Distinction:
> That which enables a separation such as a particular red from other colors.
> ii) Devisor:
> That which encloses a quantity [zero to every] of distinctions. [Some
> divisors are thus collections of divisors.]
> iii): Define "N"s as those divisors that enclose zero distinction.   Call
> them Nothing(s).
> iv): Define "S"s as divisors that enclose a non zero number of
> distinctions but not all distinctions.  Call them Something(s).
> 1) Assumption # A1: There exists a set consisting of all possible
> divisors. Call this set "A".
> "A" encompasses every distinction. "A" is thus itself a divisor by
> definition (i) and therefore contains itself an unbounded number of times
> ["A" contains "A" which contains "A" and so on.
> 2) An issue that arises is whether or not an individual specific divisor
> is static or dynamic. That is: Is its quantity of distinction subject to
> change? It cannot be both.
> This requires that all divisors individually enclose the self referential
> distinction of being static or dynamic.
> 3) At least one divisor type - the "N"s, by definition (iii), enclose no
> such distinction but by (2) they must enclose this one.  This is a type
> of incompleteness.  [A complete divisor can answer any self meaningful
> question but not necessarily consistently i.e. sometimes one way sometimes
> another] That is the "N"s cannot answer this question which is nevertheless
> meaningful to them.  [The incompleteness is taken to be rather similar
> functionally to the incompleteness of some mathematical Formal Axiomatic
> Systems - See Godel.]
> The "N" are thus unstable with respect to their initial condition.  They
> each must at some point spontaneously enclose this stability distinction.
> They thereby transition into "S"s.
> 4) By (3) Transitions between divisors exist.
> 5) Some of the "S"s resulting from "N"s [see (3)] may themselves be
> incomplete in a similar manner but perhaps in a different distinction
> family. They must evolve - via similar incompleteness driven transitions -
> until "complete" in the sense of (3).
> 6) Assumption # A2: Each element of "A" is a universe state.
> 7) The result is a "flow" of "S"s most of which are encompassing more and
> more distinction with each transition.
> 8) This "flow" is a multiplicity of paths of successions of transitions
> from element to element of the All.  That is (by A2) a transition from a
> universe state to a successor universe state.
> 9) Our Universe's evolution would be one such path on which the "S"
> constantly gets larger.
> 10) Since incompleteness can have multiple resolutions the path of an
> evolving "S" may split into multiple paths at any transition.
> 11) A path may also originate on an incomplete "S" not just the "N"s.
> 12) Observer constructs such as life entities and likely all other
> constructs imbedded in a universe bear witness to the transitions.
> 13) Transition paths ["traces" may be a better term] can be of any length.
> 14) A particular transition may not resolve any incompleteness of the
> subject evolving "S".
> 15) White Rabbits: Since many elements of "A" are very large, large
> transitions could become infrequent on a long path [trace] whereon the
> particular "S" itself gets large.  (Also few White Rabbits if both sides
> of the divisors on either side of the transition are sufficiently similar
> in size).
> --
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